%! Author = soeichho %! Date = 19.11.2020 %! This file is dedicated to individual changes. %! If I've done my job correctly, you only have to modify this file to your personal favour. %! Access these variables by using \commandname within any .tex file % Style variables %! IMPORTANT: The font size needs to be changed after the \begin{document} block in your main.tex % \newcommand{\mainFont}{TeleNeo Office} % Whatever font you want to use, needs to be installed on your computer % <\newcommand{\mainFont}{Arial} \newcommand{\lineStretchValue}{1.5} % Colors %! You can name as many colors as you'd like. %! The accent-color is the only one, that is actually used by the template so far %! Here are some convenient color codes for you ;) %! telekom magenta: E20074 %! fom: 539D90 %! fom_light: 73d9c6 %! fom_dark: 36665e %! dhbw_red: E2001A %! dhbw_grey: 7D8990 \definecolor{accent-color}{HTML}{E2001A} % This color will be used as highlight color in the chapter name