from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch # Create a connection to Elasticsearch es = Elasticsearch() # Define an index mapping for customers and orders mapping = { "mappings": { "properties": { "customer_name": {"type": "keyword"} } } } order_mapping = { "mappings": { "properties": { "order_id": {"type": "integer"}, "product_name": {"type": "keyword"}, "quantity": {"type": "integer"}, "price": {"type": "float"}, "customer_id": {"type": "join", "relations": {"customer": "order"}} } } } # Create the customers and orders indices with the mappings es.indices.create(index="customers", body=mapping) es.indices.create(index="orders", body=order_mapping) # Insert some documents es.index(index="customers", body={"customer_name": "Alice"}) es.index(index="customers", body={"customer_name": "Bob"}) es.index(index="customers", body={"customer_name": "Charlie"}) es.index(index="orders", body={"order_id": 1, "product_name": "Apple", "quantity": 2, "price": 1.00, "customer_id": {"name": "Alice", "parent": "customer"}}) es.index(index="orders", body={"order_id": 2, "product_name": "Banana", "quantity": 3, "price": 0.50, "customer_id": {"name": "Bob", "parent": "customer"}}) es.index(index="orders", body={"order_id": 3, "product_name": "Cherry", "quantity": 1, "price": 2.00, "customer_id": {"name": "Charlie", "parent": "customer"}}) es.index(index="orders", body={"order_id": 4, "product_name": "Banana", "quantity": 1, "price": 0.50, "customer_id": {"name": "Alice", "parent": "customer"}}) es.index(index="orders", body={"order_id": 5, "product_name": "Durian", "quantity": 2, "price": 3.00, "customer_id": {"name": "Charlie", "parent": "customer"}}) # Search for documents query = { "query": { "has_child": { "type": "order", "query": { "match": { "product_name": "Banana" } } } } } result ="customers", body=query) # Print the search results for hit in result['hits']['hits']: print(hit['_source']) # OUTPUT ''' {'customer_name': 'Alice'} {'customer_name': 'Bob'} '''