2022-05-09 16:01:03 +02:00
script for sending daily challenges
__author__ = "Florian Kellermann, Linus Eickhoff, Florian Kaiser"
__date__ = "09.05.2022"
__version__ = "0.0.1"
__license__ = "None"
2022-05-26 11:13:44 +02:00
import time
2022-05-29 20:41:08 +02:00
import datetime as dt
2022-05-09 16:01:03 +02:00
import sys
2022-05-09 18:02:17 +02:00
import pandas
2022-05-27 23:36:23 +02:00
import random
2022-05-28 11:44:23 +02:00
from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler
2022-05-09 16:01:03 +02:00
from bot import bot
2022-05-29 20:41:08 +02:00
from db import User, session, Product, Score
2022-05-09 16:01:03 +02:00
2022-05-09 18:02:17 +02:00
CHALLENGE_READY = "0 8 * * *"
CHALLENGE_OVER = "0 22 * * *"
2022-05-27 23:36:23 +02:00
GET_NEW_PRODUCT = "0 0 * * *"
2022-05-09 16:01:03 +02:00
def start_challenges():
"""Start the daily challenges, read the crontag codes and send messages
ready_split = CHALLENGE_READY.split(" ")
2022-05-26 11:13:44 +02:00
2022-05-09 16:01:03 +02:00
over_split = CHALLENGE_OVER.split(" ")
2022-05-26 11:13:44 +02:00
2022-05-27 23:36:23 +02:00
new_product_split = GET_NEW_PRODUCT.split(" ")
2022-05-09 16:01:03 +02:00
my_scheduler = BackgroundScheduler()
2022-05-26 11:13:44 +02:00
2022-05-27 23:36:23 +02:00
# Sending the current event at the given crontags
# Challenge ready
2022-05-09 16:01:03 +02:00
my_scheduler.add_job(send_current_event, 'cron'\
2022-05-27 23:36:23 +02:00
, day_of_week = ready_split[4] \
, hour= ready_split[1] \
, minute = ready_split[0]\
, month= ready_split[3] \
, day=ready_split[2]\
2022-05-09 16:01:03 +02:00
,args = ("start", ))
2022-05-27 23:36:23 +02:00
# Challenge over
2022-05-09 16:01:03 +02:00
my_scheduler.add_job(send_current_event, 'cron'\
2022-05-27 23:36:23 +02:00
, day_of_week = over_split[4] \
, hour= over_split[1] \
, minute = over_split[0]\
, month= over_split[3] \
, day=over_split[2]\
2022-05-09 16:01:03 +02:00
,args = ("over", ))
2022-05-26 11:13:44 +02:00
2022-05-27 23:36:23 +02:00
# Get new product
2022-05-28 11:44:23 +02:00
my_scheduler.add_job(set_todays_product, 'cron'\
2022-05-27 23:36:23 +02:00
,day_of_week = new_product_split[4] \
, hour= new_product_split[1] \
, minute = new_product_split[0]\
, month= new_product_split[3]\
, day=new_product_split[2])
2022-05-09 16:01:03 +02:00
2022-05-26 11:13:44 +02:00
2022-05-09 16:01:03 +02:00
time.sleep( 3600 )
2022-05-26 11:13:44 +02:00
2022-05-28 11:44:23 +02:00
def set_todays_product():
2022-05-27 23:36:23 +02:00
"""Get a random product from the database
Product: random product
2022-05-28 11:44:23 +02:00
# Find old product and set todays_product false
2022-05-27 23:36:23 +02:00
products = []
for element in session.query(Product).all():
2022-05-28 11:44:23 +02:00
if element.todays_product:
element.todays_product = False
2022-05-27 23:36:23 +02:00
# choose random product
random_product = products[int(len(products) * random.random())]
2022-05-28 11:44:23 +02:00
# find product_id in db and delete element
2022-05-28 17:37:10 +02:00
session.query(Product).filter(Product.product_id == random_product.product_id).update({'todays_product': True})
2022-05-28 11:44:23 +02:00
2022-05-09 16:01:03 +02:00
def send_current_event(str_event):
"""Sending the current event at the given crontabs
str_event (String): event to send
2022-05-09 18:02:17 +02:00
all_users = pandas.DataFrame(session.query(User.telegram_id).all())
2022-05-27 23:36:23 +02:00
2022-05-09 16:01:03 +02:00
if str_event == "start":
2022-05-09 18:02:17 +02:00
for element in all_users["telegram_id"]:
2022-05-27 23:36:23 +02:00
bot.send_message(chat_id=int(element), text="Todays challenge is available!\n"\
"Try /daily to give it a try :)")
2022-05-09 16:01:03 +02:00
elif str_event == "over":
2022-05-29 20:31:52 +02:00
product_today = find_todays_product_from_db()
2022-05-09 18:34:46 +02:00
for element in all_users["telegram_id"]:
2022-05-29 20:41:08 +02:00
user_guesses = session.query(Score).filter(Score.telegram_id == element).all()
user_guess, user_score = 0, 0
for guesses in user_guesses: # find todays guess and score
if guesses.date.date() == dt.datetime.now().date():
user_guess = guesses.guess
user_score = guesses.score
2022-05-27 23:36:23 +02:00
bot.send_message(chat_id=int(element), text="Todays challenge is over!\n"\
2022-05-29 20:31:52 +02:00
"The correct price is: " + str(product_today.price) + "€\n"\
2022-05-29 20:41:08 +02:00
"Your guess was: " + str(user_guess) + "€\n"\
"Your score was: " + str(user_score) + "\n"\
2022-05-27 23:36:23 +02:00
"Check the /scoreboard to see the leaderboard!")
2022-05-09 16:01:03 +02:00
2022-05-29 20:31:52 +02:00
def find_todays_product_from_db():
"""Find todays product from db based on todays_product
product = None
for element in session.query(Product).all():
if element.todays_product:
product = element
return product
2022-05-09 16:01:03 +02:00
if __name__ == "__main__":
2022-05-28 11:44:23 +02:00
2022-05-09 16:01:03 +02:00
except KeyboardInterrupt: