2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
using Aml.Engine.AmlObjects ;
using Aml.Engine.CAEX ;
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Data ;
using System.Drawing ;
using System.IO ;
using System.IO.Packaging ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Windows.Forms ;
/// <summary>
/// MOD.002 Controller
/// This Module is the backend of the GUI. It covers all functions that are not frontend-related and makes sure that all errors occuring are caught by the program.
/// Every time a user makes a mistake, like triggering an error he gets feedback from this module (like an error message). The Controller is also responsible for opening, saving,
/// exporting and importing files
/// </summary>
namespace Aml.Editor.Plugin
public partial class DeviceDescription : UserControl
/// <summary>
/// These are private fields of this class.
/// </summary>
private MWController mWController ;
private MWData . MWFileType filetype ;
private object _row ;
private bool isEditing = false ;
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private bool expertMode = false ;
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private bool useCaex2_15 = false ;
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private OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog ( ) ;
private List < string > AllInterfaces = new List < string > ( ) ;
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/// <summary>
/// These are public fields of this class.
/// </summary>
public object row //this is a property decleration
get { return this . _row ; }
private set { this . _row = value ; }
public bool dragging = false ; //this is your global boolean
/// <summary>
/// Instance of Animation Class is created.
/// </summary>
AnimationClass AMC = new AnimationClass ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Instance of SearchforAMLLibraryFile is created.
/// This class search for "Interface Class Libraries" and "Role Class Libraries" in AML file loaded by user into plugin.
/// </summary>
SearchAMLLibraryFile searchAMLLibraryFile = new SearchAMLLibraryFile ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Instance of "SearchAMLComponentFile" is created
/// This class search for "System Unit Class Libraries" in AML Component file loaded by user into plugin.
/// </summary>
SearchAMLComponentFile searchAMLComponentFile = new SearchAMLComponentFile ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Instance of MWDevice Class
/// </summary>
MWDevice device = new MWDevice ( ) ;
public void getAllInterfaces ( TreeNodeCollection nodes )
foreach ( TreeNode node in nodes )
AllInterfaces . Add ( node . Name ) ;
if ( node . Nodes . Count > 0 )
getAllInterfaces ( node . Nodes ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Codepart for all the retarded methodes nobody understands
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Constructor with no arguments that intilizes Device Description GUI
/// </summary>
public DeviceDescription ( )
InitializeComponent ( ) ;
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ShowHideElements ( ) ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
/// <summary>
/// This is a constructor of this class with MWControlle rargument.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mWController"></param>
public DeviceDescription ( MWController mWController )
// These are the dictionaries created in MWDevice Class to store attributes inside them.
//These dictionaries are initiated as new dictionaries in here.
device . DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces = new Dictionary < string , List < List < ClassOfListsFromReferencefile > > > ( ) ;
device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces = new Dictionary < string , List < List < ClassOfListsFromReferencefile > > > ( ) ;
device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent = new Dictionary < string , List < List < ClassOfListsFromReferencefile > > > ( ) ;
device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderRoleClassofComponent = new Dictionary < string , List < List < ClassOfListsFromReferencefile > > > ( ) ;
this . mWController = mWController ;
InitializeComponent ( ) ;
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ShowHideElements ( ) ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
// After intialization of this GUI, plugin all this function to load Standard Libraries.
loadStandardLibrary ( ) ;
// This Function look for "AutomationComponent" Role and assign it to "Generic Data Tab" as a compulsary role along with attributes.
checkForAutomtionComponent ( ) ;
foreach ( DataGridViewRow row in genericInformationDataGridView . Rows )
if ( row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value ! = null )
if ( row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value . ToString ( ) = = "1" & & row . Cells [ 1 ] . Value . ToString ( ) = = "AutomationComponent{Class: AutomationMLBaseRole}" )
string SRCSerialNumber = row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
string SRC = row . Cells [ 1 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
foreach ( var pair in searchAMLLibraryFile . DictionaryForRoleClassInstanceAttributes )
if ( pair . Key . ToString ( ) = = SRC )
if ( device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . ContainsKey ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC ) )
device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . Remove ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC ) ;
device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . Add ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC , pair . Value ) ;
device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . Add ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC , pair . Value ) ;
TreeNode parentNode = genericInformationtreeView . Nodes . Add ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC ,
"(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC , 2 ) ;
autoloadGenericInformationtreeView ( parentNode ) ;
catch ( Exception )
throw ;
/// <summary>
/// This function loads "Interface Class Libraries" and"Role Class Libraries" from already defined libaraies in plugin or,
/// libraries from the AML file those user want ot load from local machine.
/// </summary>
public void loadStandardLibrary ( )
CAEXDocument doc = null ;
// These library already come along with plugin. This library is loaded into GUI automaticcally by plugin.
doc = CAEXDocument . LoadFromBinary ( Properties . Resources . AutomationComponentLibrary_v1_0_0_Full ) ;
//Following newly initiated dictionaries store "Interface Classes and its attributes" and "Role Classes and its attributes" of loaded file
//in the respective libraries.
//(Note:- This libaray is not used at all)
searchAMLLibraryFile . dictionaryofRoleClassattributes = new Dictionary < string , List < ClassOfListsFromReferencefile > > ( ) ;
// These are the main libraraies used.
searchAMLLibraryFile . DictionaryForInterfaceClassInstancesAttributes = new Dictionary < string , List < List < ClassOfListsFromReferencefile > > > ( ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesInstanceAttributesofInterfaceClassLib = new Dictionary < string , List < List < ClassOfListsFromReferencefile > > > ( ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . DictionaryForRoleClassInstanceAttributes = new Dictionary < string , List < List < ClassOfListsFromReferencefile > > > ( ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesInstancesAttributesOfRoleClassLib = new Dictionary < string , List < List < ClassOfListsFromReferencefile > > > ( ) ;
//(´ Note:- This library is not used ata all.)
searchAMLLibraryFile . DictioanryOfIDofInterfaceClassLibraryNodes = new Dictionary < string , string > ( ) ;
// These are the tree hierarchies in the GUI, which has to be cleared all during intiation of plugin.
treeViewRoleClassLib . Nodes . Clear ( ) ;
treeViewInterfaceClassLib . Nodes . Clear ( ) ;
// This is a string variable that store the name of the "referenced name" of each "Interface Class in ICL of loaded file"
// and/or "Referenced name" of each "Role Class in RCL of loaded file"
string referencedClassName = "" ;
// This foreach loop look into every individual "Role Class libaray" in RCL in the loaded file.
foreach ( var classLibType in doc . CAEXFile . RoleClassLib )
// This Populate Role Class Tree Node in GUI
TreeNode libNode = treeViewRoleClassLib . Nodes . Add ( classLibType . ToString ( ) , classLibType . ToString ( ) , 0 ) ;
// This foreach loop looks inside the individual "Role Class"
foreach ( var classType in classLibType . RoleClass )
TreeNode roleNode ;
// This If loop check for the "refernced name" of each role class.
if ( classType . ReferencedClassName ! = "" )
//Store "referenced name" in the String that declared above "referencedClassName"
referencedClassName = classType . ReferencedClassName ;
// Print the role node
roleNode = libNode . Nodes . Add ( classType . ToString ( ) , classType . ToString ( ) + "{" + "Class:" + " " + referencedClassName + "}" , 1 ) ;
// Search for the "refernced name" (This referenced name will be as an "Role Class" in the RCL).....
//.....in the whole RCL to find the attribute behind it and also its further "referenced name"
searchAMLLibraryFile . SearchForReferencedClassName ( doc , referencedClassName , classType ) ;
//This method is responsible to check attributes of referenced Class
searchAMLLibraryFile . CheckForAttributesOfReferencedClassName ( classType ) ;
// If there is no "Referenced Class name" then just print the name in GUI.
roleNode = libNode . Nodes . Add ( classType . ToString ( ) , classType . ToString ( ) , 1 ) ;
// This If loop check for the "ExternalInterface" under each role class.
if ( classType . ExternalInterface . Exists )
// This foreach loop look for number of "ExternalInterfaces" under "Role Class"
foreach ( var externalinterface in classType . ExternalInterface )
TreeNode externalinterfacenode ;
// This If loop check for the "refernced name" of each externalinterface.
if ( externalinterface . BaseClass ! = null )
referencedClassName = externalinterface . BaseClass . ToString ( ) ;
externalinterfacenode = roleNode . Nodes . Add ( externalinterface . ToString ( ) , externalinterface . ToString ( ) + "{" + "Class:" + " " + referencedClassName + "}" , 2 ) ;
externalinterfacenode . ForeColor = SystemColors . GrayText ;
//This method is responsible to check for "Referenced Class Name" of "External Interfaces" under the "Role Class"
searchAMLLibraryFile . SearchForReferencedClassNameofExternalIterface ( doc , referencedClassName , classType , externalinterface ) ;
// This Function is responsible to search attributes under the "Referenced Classs Name" i.e. in this part "RoleFamilyType"
searchAMLLibraryFile . CheckForAttributesOfReferencedClassNameofExternalIterface ( classType , externalinterface ) ;
//Else directly print the node.
externalinterfacenode = roleNode . Nodes . Add ( externalinterface . ToString ( ) , externalinterface . ToString ( ) , 2 ) ;
// searchAMLLibraryFile.CheckForAttributesOfReferencedClassNameofExternalIterface(classType, externalinterface);
//This method is called to print "External Interfaces" in both "Role class Library and Interface Class Library" in the plugin.
searchAMLLibraryFile . PrintExternalInterfaceNodes ( doc , externalinterfacenode , externalinterface , classType ) ;
//This method takes arguments "TreeNode" and "RoleFamilyType" to print tree nodes in "Role Class Library TreeView " in Plugin.
searchAMLLibraryFile . PrintNodesRecursiveInRoleClassLib ( doc , roleNode , classType , referencedClassName ) ;
foreach ( var classLibType in doc . CAEXFile . InterfaceClassLib )
// Print a "Interface Class lib" treenode in GUI
TreeNode libNode = treeViewInterfaceClassLib . Nodes . Add ( classLibType . ToString ( ) , classLibType . ToString ( ) , 0 ) ;
// for each "interface classlib" print chlid nodes of "Interface Classes"
foreach ( var classType in classLibType . InterfaceClass )
TreeNode interfaceclassNode ;
//If "refernced Class Name" is not null
if ( classType . ReferencedClassName ! = "" )
// Print Child node...
referencedClassName = classType . ReferencedClassName ;
interfaceclassNode = libNode . Nodes . Add ( classType . ToString ( ) , classType . ToString ( ) + "{" + "Class:" + " " + referencedClassName + "}" , 1 ) ;
//This method search for "Referenced Class Name" "Interface Class"
searchAMLLibraryFile . SearchForReferencedClassName ( doc , referencedClassName , classType ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . CheckForAttributesOfReferencedClassName ( classType ) ;
//searchAMLLibraryFile.DictioanryOfIDofInterfaceClassLibraryNodes.Add(classType.Name.ToString(), classType.ID.ToString());
interfaceclassNode = libNode . Nodes . Add ( classType . ToString ( ) , classType . ToString ( ) , 1 ) ;
if ( classType . ExternalInterface . Exists )
foreach ( var externalinterface in classType . ExternalInterface )
TreeNode externalinterfacenode ;
if ( externalinterface . BaseClass ! = null )
//searchAMLLibraryFile.DictioanryOfIDofInterfaceClassLibraryNodes.Add(classType.Name.ToString()+ externalinterface.ToString(), externalinterface.ID.ToString());
referencedClassName = externalinterface . BaseClass . ToString ( ) ;
externalinterfacenode = interfaceclassNode . Nodes . Add ( externalinterface . ToString ( ) , externalinterface . ToString ( ) + "{" + "Class:" + " " + referencedClassName + "}" , 2 ) ;
externalinterfacenode . ForeColor = SystemColors . GrayText ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . SearchForReferencedClassNameofExternalIterface ( doc , referencedClassName , classType , externalinterface ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . CheckForAttributesOfReferencedClassNameofExternalIterface ( classType , externalinterface ) ;
//searchAMLLibraryFile.DictioanryOfIDofInterfaceClassLibraryNodes.Add(classType.Name.ToString() + externalinterface.ToString(), externalinterface.ID.ToString());
externalinterfacenode = interfaceclassNode . Nodes . Add ( externalinterface . ToString ( ) , externalinterface . ToString ( ) , 2 ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . PrintExternalInterfaceNodes ( doc , externalinterfacenode , externalinterface , classType ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . PrintNodesRecursiveInInterfaceClassLib ( doc , interfaceclassNode , classType , referencedClassName ) ;
catch ( Exception )
MessageBox . Show ( "Missing names of attributes or same attribute sequence is repeated in the given file" , "Missing Names" , MessageBoxButtons . OKCancel , MessageBoxIcon . Warning ) ;
/// <summary>
/// From here comes the part that is no longer even commented with tank methods
/// </summary>
private void treeViewInterfaceClassLib_MouseDown ( object sender , MouseEventArgs e )
//this.treeViewInterfaceClassLib.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(this.tree_MouseDown);
private void treeViewInterfaceClassLib_DragOver ( object sender , DragEventArgs e )
// this.treeViewInterfaceClassLib.DragOver += new DragEventHandler(this.tree_DragOver);
// Retrieve the client coordinates of the mouse position.
Point targetPoint = treeViewInterfaceClassLib . PointToClient ( new Point ( e . X , e . Y ) ) ;
// Select the node at the mouse position.
treeViewInterfaceClassLib . SelectedNode = treeViewInterfaceClassLib . GetNodeAt ( targetPoint ) ;
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private void treeViewRoleClassLib_DragOver ( object sender , DragEventArgs e )
// this.treeViewInterfaceClassLib.DragOver += new DragEventHandler(this.tree_DragOver);
// Retrieve the client coordinates of the mouse position.
Point targetPoint = treeViewRoleClassLib . PointToClient ( new Point ( e . X , e . Y ) ) ;
// Select the node at the mouse position.
treeViewRoleClassLib . SelectedNode = treeViewRoleClassLib . GetNodeAt ( targetPoint ) ;
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private void treeViewInterfaceClassLib_DragDrop ( object sender , DragEventArgs e )
private void treeViewInterfaceClassLib_NodeMouseClick ( object sender , TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e )
treeViewInterfaceClassLib . SelectedNode = e . Node ;
e . Node . ContextMenuStrip = contextMenuStripforInterfaceClassLib ;
private void treeViewInterfaceClassLib_AfterSelect ( object sender , TreeViewEventArgs e )
TreeNode targetNode = treeViewInterfaceClassLib . SelectedNode ;
targetNode . SelectedImageIndex = targetNode . ImageIndex ;
catch ( Exception )
private void treeViewInterfaceClassLib_ItemDrag ( object sender , ItemDragEventArgs e )
if ( treeViewInterfaceClassLib . SelectedNode = = null )
dragging = false ;
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Cursor = Cursors . Hand ;
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if ( treeViewInterfaceClassLib . SelectedNode . ImageIndex = = 2 )
return ;
dragging = true ;
row = new object ( ) ;
treeViewInterfaceClassLib . SelectedNode = ( TreeNode ) e . Item ; //dragging doesn't automatically change the selected index
row = treeViewInterfaceClassLib . SelectedNode . Text ; //or whatever value you need from the node
private void treeViewInterfaceClassLib_BeforeSelect ( object sender , TreeViewCancelEventArgs e )
private void treeViewRoleClassLib_ItemDrag ( object sender , ItemDragEventArgs e )
if ( treeViewRoleClassLib . SelectedNode = = null )
dragging = false ;
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Cursor = Cursors . Hand ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
if ( treeViewRoleClassLib . SelectedNode . ImageIndex = = 2 )
return ;
dragging = true ;
row = new object ( ) ;
treeViewRoleClassLib . SelectedNode = ( TreeNode ) e . Item ; //dragging doesn't automatically change the selected index
row = treeViewRoleClassLib . SelectedNode . Text ; //or whatever value you need from the node
private void treeViewRoleClassLib_AfterSelect ( object sender , TreeViewEventArgs e )
TreeNode targetNode = treeViewRoleClassLib . SelectedNode ;
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if ( targetNode ! = null )
targetNode . SelectedImageIndex = targetNode . ImageIndex ;
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catch ( Exception )
return ;
private void treeViewElectricalInterfaces_NodeMouseClick ( object sender , TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e )
string searchName = "" ;
var AutomationMLDataTables = new AutomationMLDataTables ( ) ;
TreeNode targetNode = treeViewElectricalInterfaces . SelectedNode ;
/* targetNode.SelectedImageIndex = targetNode.ImageIndex;*/
elecInterAttDataGridView . Rows . Clear ( ) ;
if ( e . Button = = MouseButtons . Left )
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if ( targetNode ! = null )
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2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
if ( targetNode . Parent ! = null )
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2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
searchName = targetNode . Parent . Text + targetNode . Text ;
electricalInterfacesHeaderlabel . Text = searchName ;
//nameTxtBxElecAttri.Text = searchName;
foreach ( var pair in device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces )
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2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
if ( pair . Key . ToString ( ) = = searchName )
DataTable AMLDataTable = AutomationMLDataTables . AMLAttributeParameters ( ) ;
AutomationMLDataTables . CreateDataTableWithColumns ( AMLDataTable , elecInterAttDataGridView , pair ) ;
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2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
searchName = targetNode . Text ;
electricalInterfacesHeaderlabel . Text = searchName ;
//nameTxtBxElecAttri.Text = searchName;
foreach ( var pair in device . DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces )
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2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
if ( pair . Key . ToString ( ) = = searchName )
DataTable AMLDataTable = AutomationMLDataTables . AMLAttributeParameters ( ) ;
AutomationMLDataTables . CreateDataTableWithColumns ( AMLDataTable , elecInterAttDataGridView , pair ) ;
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catch ( Exception ) { }
private void treeViewElectricalInterfaces_MouseClick ( object sender , MouseEventArgs e )
private void importIODDFileToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
filetype = MWData . MWFileType . IODD ;
openFileDialog . Filter = "IODD Files (*.xml)|*.xml|All Files (*.*)|*.*" ;
openFileDialog . ShowDialog ( ) ;
private void importGSDFileToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
filetype = MWData . MWFileType . GSD ;
openFileDialog . Filter = "GSDML Files (*.xml)|*.xml|All Files (*.*)|*.*" ;
openFileDialog . ShowDialog ( ) ;
private void automationComponentLibraryv100ToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
selectLibrary ( Properties . Resources . AutomationComponentLibrary_v1_0_0 ) ;
private void automationComponentLibraryv100CAEX3BETAToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
selectLibrary ( Properties . Resources . AutomationComponentLibrary_v1_0_0_CAEX3_BETA ) ;
private void automationComponentLibraryv100FullToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
selectLibrary ( Properties . Resources . AutomationComponentLibrary_v1_0_0_Full ) ;
private void automationComponentLibraryv100FullCAEX3BETAToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
selectLibrary ( Properties . Resources . AutomationComponentLibrary_v1_0_0_Full_CAEX3_BETA ) ;
private void electricConnectorLibraryv100ToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
selectLibrary ( Properties . Resources . ElectricConnectorLibrary_v1_0_0 ) ;
private void industrialSensorLibraryv100ToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
selectLibrary ( Properties . Resources . IndustrialSensorLibrary_v1_0_0 ) ;
private void electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView_CellClick ( object sender , DataGridViewCellEventArgs e )
if ( ! dragging )
treeViewElectricalInterfaces . Nodes . Clear ( ) ;
TreeNode parentNode ;
TreeNode childNodes ;
var AutomationMLDataTables = new AutomationMLDataTables ( ) ;
electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . CurrentRow . Selected = true ;
if ( electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ e . RowIndex ] . Cells [ e . ColumnIndex ] . Value ! = null )
string interfaceSerialNumber = electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ e . RowIndex ] . Cells [ 0 ]
. Value . ToString ( ) ;
if ( Convert . ToBoolean ( electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . CurrentRow . Cells [ 3 ] . Value ) = = true )
elecInterAttDataGridView . Rows . Clear ( ) ;
string interfaceClass = electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . CurrentRow . Cells [ 1 ] . Value
. ToString ( ) ;
foreach ( var pair in searchAMLLibraryFile . DictionaryForInterfaceClassInstancesAttributes )
if ( pair . Key . ToString ( ) = = interfaceClass )
if ( device . DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces . ContainsKey (
"(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass ) )
device . DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces . Remove (
"(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass ) ;
device . DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces . Add (
"(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass , pair . Value ) ;
device . DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces . Add (
"(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass , pair . Value ) ;
catch ( Exception )
return ;
parentNode = treeViewElectricalInterfaces . Nodes . Add (
"(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass ,
"(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass , 2 ) ;
foreach ( var pair in searchAMLLibraryFile
. DictionaryForExternalInterfacesInstanceAttributesofInterfaceClassLib )
if ( pair . Key . Contains ( interfaceClass ) )
if ( device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces
. ContainsKey ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + pair . Key . ToString ( ) ) )
device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces
. Remove ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + pair . Key . ToString ( ) ) ;
device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces
. Add ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + pair . Key . ToString ( ) , pair . Value ) ;
device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces
. Add ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + pair . Key . ToString ( ) , pair . Value ) ;
catch ( Exception )
return ;
childNodes = parentNode . Nodes . Add ( pair . Key . Replace ( interfaceClass , "" ) . ToString ( ) ,
pair . Key . Replace ( interfaceClass , "" ) . ToString ( ) , 2 ) ;
electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . CurrentRow . Cells [ 3 ] . Value = true ;
if ( Convert . ToBoolean ( electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . CurrentRow . Cells [ 4 ] . Value ) = = true )
elecInterAttDataGridView . Rows . Clear ( ) ;
string interfaceClass = electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . CurrentRow . Cells [ 1 ] . Value
. ToString ( ) ;
foreach ( var pair in searchAMLComponentFile . DictionaryofElectricalConnectorType )
if ( pair . Key . ToString ( ) = = interfaceClass )
if ( device . DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces . ContainsKey (
"(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass ) )
device . DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces . Remove (
"(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass ) ;
device . DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces . Add (
"(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass , pair . Value ) ;
device . DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces . Add (
"(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass , pair . Value ) ;
catch ( Exception )
return ;
parentNode = treeViewElectricalInterfaces . Nodes . Add (
"(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass ,
"(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass , 2 ) ;
foreach ( var pair in searchAMLComponentFile . DictioanryofElectricalConnectorPinType )
if ( pair . Key . Contains ( interfaceClass ) )
if ( device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces
. ContainsKey ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + pair . Key . ToString ( ) ) )
device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces
. Remove ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + pair . Key . ToString ( ) ) ;
device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces
. Add ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + pair . Key . ToString ( ) , pair . Value ) ;
device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces
. Add ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + pair . Key . ToString ( ) , pair . Value ) ;
catch ( Exception )
return ;
childNodes = parentNode . Nodes . Add ( pair . Key . Replace ( interfaceClass , "" ) . ToString ( ) ,
pair . Key . Replace ( interfaceClass , "" ) . ToString ( ) , 2 ) ;
// electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView.CurrentRow.Cells[4].Value = true;
catch ( Exception )
return ;
private void electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView_MouseUp ( object sender , MouseEventArgs e )
if ( dragging )
int num = electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows . Add ( ) ;
List < string > listofSerialNumbers = new List < string > ( ) ;
List < int > listofFinalSerialNumber = new List < int > ( ) ;
string number = "" ;
int finalNumber = 0 ;
int ultimatenumber = 0 ;
if ( electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows . Count > 2 )
foreach ( DataGridViewRow row in electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows )
if ( row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value = = null )
number = "0" ;
listofSerialNumbers . Add ( number ) ;
if ( row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value ! = null )
number = row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
listofSerialNumbers . Add ( number ) ;
foreach ( string str in listofSerialNumbers )
finalNumber = Convert . ToInt32 ( str ) ;
listofFinalSerialNumber . Add ( finalNumber ) ;
ultimatenumber = listofFinalSerialNumber . Max ( ) ;
electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 0 ] . Value = + + ultimatenumber ;
electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 0 ] . Value = 1 ;
electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 1 ] . Value = row ;
electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 3 ] . Value = true ;
electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Selected = false ;
treeViewElectricalInterfaces . Nodes . Clear ( ) ;
TreeNode parentNode ;
TreeNode childNodes ;
var AutomationMLDataTables = new AutomationMLDataTables ( ) ;
electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . CurrentRow . Selected = true ;
if ( electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 0 ] . Value ! = null )
string interfaceSerialNumber = electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 0 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
if ( Convert . ToBoolean ( electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 3 ] . Value ) = = true )
elecInterAttDataGridView . Rows . Clear ( ) ;
string interfaceClass = electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 1 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
foreach ( var pair in searchAMLLibraryFile . DictionaryForInterfaceClassInstancesAttributes )
if ( pair . Key . ToString ( ) = = interfaceClass )
if ( device . DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces . ContainsKey ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass ) )
device . DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces . Remove ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass ) ;
device . DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces . Add ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass , pair . Value ) ;
device . DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces . Add ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass , pair . Value ) ;
catch ( Exception )
return ;
parentNode = treeViewElectricalInterfaces . Nodes . Add ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass ,
"(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass , 2 ) ;
foreach ( var pair in searchAMLLibraryFile . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesInstanceAttributesofInterfaceClassLib )
if ( pair . Key . Contains ( interfaceClass ) )
if ( device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces . ContainsKey ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + pair . Key . ToString ( ) ) )
device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces . Remove ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + pair . Key . ToString ( ) ) ;
device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces . Add ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + pair . Key . ToString ( ) , pair . Value ) ;
device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces . Add ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + pair . Key . ToString ( ) , pair . Value ) ;
catch ( Exception )
return ;
childNodes = parentNode . Nodes . Add ( pair . Key . Replace ( interfaceClass , "" ) . ToString ( )
, pair . Key . Replace ( interfaceClass , "" ) . ToString ( ) , 2 ) ;
electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . CurrentRow . Cells [ 3 ] . Value = true ;
if ( Convert . ToBoolean ( electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 4 ] . Value ) = = true )
elecInterAttDataGridView . Rows . Clear ( ) ;
string interfaceClass = electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 1 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
foreach ( var pair in searchAMLComponentFile . DictionaryofElectricalConnectorType )
if ( pair . Key . ToString ( ) = = interfaceClass )
if ( device . DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces . ContainsKey ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass ) )
device . DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces . Remove ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass ) ;
device . DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces . Add ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass , pair . Value ) ;
device . DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces . Add ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass , pair . Value ) ;
catch ( Exception )
return ;
parentNode = treeViewElectricalInterfaces . Nodes . Add ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass ,
"(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass , 2 ) ;
foreach ( var pair in searchAMLComponentFile . DictioanryofElectricalConnectorPinType )
if ( pair . Key . Contains ( interfaceClass ) )
if ( device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces . ContainsKey ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + pair . Key . ToString ( ) ) )
device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces . Remove ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + pair . Key . ToString ( ) ) ;
device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces . Add ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + pair . Key . ToString ( ) , pair . Value ) ;
device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces . Add ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + pair . Key . ToString ( ) , pair . Value ) ;
catch ( Exception )
return ;
childNodes = parentNode . Nodes . Add ( pair . Key . Replace ( interfaceClass , "" ) . ToString ( ) , pair . Key . Replace ( interfaceClass , "" ) . ToString ( ) , 2 ) ;
// electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView.CurrentRow.Cells[4].Value = true;
dragging = false ;
catch ( Exception )
dragging = false ;
return ;
2022-04-07 07:33:56 +00:00
Cursor = Cursors . Default ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
private void genericInformationDataGridView_MouseUp ( object sender , MouseEventArgs e )
2022-04-07 07:33:56 +00:00
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
if ( dragging )
int num = genericInformationDataGridView . Rows . Add ( ) ;
List < string > listofSerialNumbers = new List < string > ( ) ;
List < int > listofFinalSerialNumber = new List < int > ( ) ;
string number = "" ;
int finalNumber = 0 ;
int ultimatenumber = 0 ;
if ( genericInformationDataGridView . Rows . Count > 2 )
foreach ( DataGridViewRow row in genericInformationDataGridView . Rows )
if ( row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value = = null )
number = "0" ;
listofSerialNumbers . Add ( number ) ;
if ( row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value ! = null )
number = row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
listofSerialNumbers . Add ( number ) ;
foreach ( string str in listofSerialNumbers )
finalNumber = Convert . ToInt32 ( str ) ;
listofFinalSerialNumber . Add ( finalNumber ) ;
ultimatenumber = listofFinalSerialNumber . Max ( ) ;
genericInformationDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 0 ] . Value = + + ultimatenumber ;
genericInformationDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 0 ] . Value = 1 ;
genericInformationDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 1 ] . Value = row ;
genericInformationDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 3 ] . Value = true ;
dragging = false ;
//set your cursor back to the deafault
catch ( Exception )
dragging = false ;
return ;
2022-04-07 07:33:56 +00:00
Cursor = Cursors . Default ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
private void genericInformationDataGridView_CellClick ( object sender , DataGridViewCellEventArgs e )
genericInformationtreeView . Nodes . Clear ( ) ;
TreeNode parentNode ;
TreeNode childNodes ;
var AutomationMLDataTables = new AutomationMLDataTables ( ) ;
genericInformationDataGridView . CurrentRow . Selected = true ;
if ( genericInformationDataGridView . Rows [ e . RowIndex ] . Cells [ e . ColumnIndex ] . Value ! = null )
string SRCSerialNumber = genericInformationDataGridView . Rows [ e . RowIndex ] . Cells [ 0 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
if ( Convert . ToBoolean ( genericInformationDataGridView . CurrentRow . Cells [ 3 ] . Value ) = = true )
genericparametersAttrDataGridView . Rows . Clear ( ) ;
string SRC = genericInformationDataGridView . CurrentRow . Cells [ 1 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
foreach ( var pair in searchAMLLibraryFile . DictionaryForRoleClassInstanceAttributes )
if ( pair . Key . ToString ( ) = = SRC )
if ( device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . ContainsKey ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber +
")" + SRC ) )
device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . Remove ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" +
SRC ) ;
device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . Add ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC ,
pair . Value ) ;
device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . Add ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC ,
pair . Value ) ;
catch ( Exception )
return ;
parentNode = genericInformationtreeView . Nodes . Add ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC ,
"(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC , 2 ) ;
foreach ( var pair in searchAMLLibraryFile
. DictionaryForExternalInterfacesInstancesAttributesOfRoleClassLib )
if ( pair . Key . Contains ( SRC ) )
if ( device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderRoleClassofComponent . ContainsKey (
"(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + pair . Key . ToString ( ) ) )
device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderRoleClassofComponent . Remove (
"(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + pair . Key . ToString ( ) ) ;
device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderRoleClassofComponent . Add (
"(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + pair . Key . ToString ( ) , pair . Value ) ;
device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderRoleClassofComponent . Add (
"(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + pair . Key . ToString ( ) , pair . Value ) ;
catch ( Exception )
return ;
childNodes = parentNode . Nodes . Add ( pair . Key . Replace ( SRC , "" ) . ToString ( )
, pair . Key . Replace ( SRC , "" ) . ToString ( ) , 2 ) ;
genericInformationDataGridView . CurrentRow . Cells [ 3 ] . Value = true ;
if ( Convert . ToBoolean ( genericInformationDataGridView . CurrentRow . Cells [ 4 ] . Value ) = = true )
genericparametersAttrDataGridView . Rows . Clear ( ) ;
string SRC = genericInformationDataGridView . CurrentRow . Cells [ 1 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
foreach ( var pair in searchAMLComponentFile . DictionaryofRolesforAutomationComponenet )
if ( pair . Key . ToString ( ) = = SRC )
if ( device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . ContainsKey ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber +
")" + SRC ) )
device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . Remove ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" +
SRC ) ;
device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . Add ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC ,
pair . Value ) ;
device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . Add ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC ,
pair . Value ) ;
catch ( Exception )
return ;
parentNode = genericInformationtreeView . Nodes . Add ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC , "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC , 2 ) ;
vendorNameTextBox_Leave ( new object ( ) , new EventArgs ( ) ) ;
deviceNameTextBox_Leave ( new object ( ) , new EventArgs ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception )
return ;
private void autoloadGenericInformationtreeView ( TreeNode node )
string searchName = "" ;
var AutomationMLDataTables = new AutomationMLDataTables ( ) ;
TreeNode targetNode = node ;
/* targetNode.SelectedImageIndex = targetNode.ImageIndex;*/
genericparametersAttrDataGridView . Rows . Clear ( ) ;
if ( targetNode . Parent ! = null )
searchName = targetNode . Parent . Text + targetNode . Text ;
genericDataHeaderLabel . Text = searchName ;
foreach ( var pair in device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderRoleClassofComponent )
if ( pair . Key . ToString ( ) = = searchName )
DataTable AMLDataTable = AutomationMLDataTables . AMLAttributeParameters ( ) ;
AutomationMLDataTables . CreateDataTableWithColumns ( AMLDataTable , genericparametersAttrDataGridView , pair ) ;
searchName = targetNode . Text ;
genericDataHeaderLabel . Text = searchName ;
foreach ( var pair in device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent )
if ( pair . Key . ToString ( ) = = searchName )
DataTable AMLDataTable = AutomationMLDataTables . AMLAttributeParameters ( ) ;
AutomationMLDataTables . CreateDataTableWithColumns ( AMLDataTable , genericparametersAttrDataGridView , pair ) ;
catch ( Exception ) { }
private void genericInformationtreeView_NodeMouseClick ( object sender , TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e )
string searchName = "" ;
var AutomationMLDataTables = new AutomationMLDataTables ( ) ;
TreeNode targetNode = genericInformationtreeView . SelectedNode ;
/* targetNode.SelectedImageIndex = targetNode.ImageIndex;*/
genericparametersAttrDataGridView . Rows . Clear ( ) ;
if ( e . Button = = MouseButtons . Left )
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
if ( targetNode ! = null )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
if ( targetNode . Parent ! = null )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
searchName = targetNode . Parent . Text + targetNode . Text ;
genericDataHeaderLabel . Text = searchName ;
foreach ( var pair in device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderRoleClassofComponent )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
if ( pair . Key . ToString ( ) = = searchName )
DataTable AMLDataTable = AutomationMLDataTables . AMLAttributeParameters ( ) ;
AutomationMLDataTables . CreateDataTableWithColumns ( AMLDataTable , genericparametersAttrDataGridView , pair ) ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
searchName = targetNode . Text ;
genericDataHeaderLabel . Text = searchName ;
foreach ( var pair in device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
if ( pair . Key . ToString ( ) = = searchName )
DataTable AMLDataTable = AutomationMLDataTables . AMLAttributeParameters ( ) ;
AutomationMLDataTables . CreateDataTableWithColumns ( AMLDataTable , genericparametersAttrDataGridView , pair ) ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
catch ( Exception ) { }
private void genericInformationtreeView_AfterSelect ( object sender , TreeViewEventArgs e )
TreeNode targetNode = genericInformationtreeView . SelectedNode ;
targetNode . SelectedImageIndex = targetNode . ImageIndex ;
catch ( Exception ) { }
private void deleterowsInelectricalInterfacesDataGridView_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
2022-04-07 07:33:56 +00:00
if ( electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . CurrentCell ! = null & & electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows . Count ! = 0 )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
int rowIndex = electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . CurrentCell . RowIndex ;
electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . CurrentRow . Selected = true ;
2022-04-07 07:33:56 +00:00
DataGridViewCell dataGridCell0 = electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ rowIndex ] . Cells [ 0 ] ;
DataGridViewCell dataGridCell1 = electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ rowIndex ] . Cells [ 1 ] ;
if ( dataGridCell0 . Value ! = null & & dataGridCell1 . Value ! = null )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 07:33:56 +00:00
string interfaceSerialNumber = dataGridCell0 . Value . ToString ( ) ;
string interfaceClass = dataGridCell1 . Value . ToString ( ) ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 07:33:56 +00:00
if ( device . DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces . ContainsKey ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass ) )
device . DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces . Remove ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass ) ;
catch ( Exception )
throw ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 07:33:56 +00:00
foreach ( var pair in searchAMLLibraryFile . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesInstanceAttributesofInterfaceClassLib )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 07:33:56 +00:00
if ( pair . Key . Contains ( interfaceClass ) )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 07:33:56 +00:00
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 07:33:56 +00:00
if ( device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces . ContainsKey ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + pair . Key . ToString ( ) ) )
device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces . Remove ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + pair . Key . ToString ( ) ) ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 07:33:56 +00:00
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 07:33:56 +00:00
catch ( Exception )
throw ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 07:33:56 +00:00
electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows . RemoveAt ( rowIndex ) ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
catch ( Exception ) { }
private void deleteRoleClassButton_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( genericInformationDataGridView . CurrentCell ! = null )
int rowIndex = genericInformationDataGridView . CurrentCell . RowIndex ;
genericInformationDataGridView . CurrentRow . Selected = true ;
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
DataGridViewCell dataGridCell0 = genericInformationDataGridView . Rows [ rowIndex ] . Cells [ 0 ] ;
DataGridViewCell dataGridCell1 = genericInformationDataGridView . Rows [ rowIndex ] . Cells [ 1 ] ;
if ( dataGridCell0 . Value ! = null & & dataGridCell1 . Value ! = null )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
string interfaceSerialNumber = dataGridCell0 . Value . ToString ( ) ;
string interfaceClass = dataGridCell1 . Value . ToString ( ) ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
if ( device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . ContainsKey ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass ) )
device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . Remove ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass ) ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
catch ( Exception )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
throw ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
foreach ( var pair in searchAMLLibraryFile . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesInstancesAttributesOfRoleClassLib )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
if ( pair . Key . Contains ( interfaceClass ) )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
if ( device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderRoleClassofComponent . ContainsKey ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + pair . Key . ToString ( ) ) )
device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderRoleClassofComponent . Remove ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + pair . Key . ToString ( ) ) ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
catch ( Exception )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
throw ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
genericInformationDataGridView . Rows . RemoveAt ( rowIndex ) ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
catch ( Exception ) { }
private void saveToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( vendorNameTextBox . Text = = "" & & deviceNameTextBox . Text = = "" )
MessageBox . Show ( "Enter Vendor Name and Device Name before saving an Automation Component" , "Missing Fields" , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Warning ) ;
return ;
else if ( vendorNameTextBox . Text = = "" )
MessageBox . Show ( "Error no vendor name set!" , "Missing Fields" , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Warning ) ;
return ;
else if ( deviceNameTextBox . Text = = "" )
MessageBox . Show ( "Error no device name set!" , "Missing Fields" , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Warning ) ;
return ;
foreach ( var pair in device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent )
foreach ( var valueList in pair . Value )
foreach ( var item in valueList )
var attributeName = item . AttributePath . ToString ( ) ;
if ( attributeName . Equals ( "IdentificationData.Manufacturer" ) | | attributeName . Equals ( "IdentificationData.DeviceClass" ) | | attributeName . Equals ( "IdentificationData.Model" ) | | attributeName . Equals ( "IdentificationData.ProductCode" ) )
if ( item . Value = = null )
MessageBox . Show ( "Error no " + attributeName . Split ( '.' ) [ 1 ] + " set!" , "Missing Fields" , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Warning ) ;
return ;
else if ( attributeName . Equals ( "IdentificationData.ManufacturerURI" ) )
if ( item . Value = = null )
MessageBox . Show ( "Error no " + attributeName . Split ( '.' ) [ 1 ] + " set!" , "Missing Fields" , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Warning ) ;
return ;
if ( ! item . Value . StartsWith ( "https://" ) & & ! item . Value . StartsWith ( "http://" ) & & ! item . Value . StartsWith ( "www." ) & & ! item . Value . StartsWith ( "WWW." ) & & ! item . Value . StartsWith ( "/" ) )
MessageBox . Show ( "Error " + attributeName . Split ( '.' ) [ 1 ] + " is not valid!" , "URI not valid!" , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Warning ) ;
return ;
device . vendorName = vendorNameTextBox . Text ;
device . deviceName = deviceNameTextBox . Text ;
device . dataGridAttachablesParametrsList = new List < AttachablesDataGridViewParameters > ( ) ;
if ( attachablesInfoDataGridView ! = null )
int i = 0 ;
int j = attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows . Count - 1 ;
if ( i < = 0 )
while ( i < j )
AttachablesDataGridViewParameters parametersFromAttachablesDataGrid = new AttachablesDataGridViewParameters ( ) ;
parametersFromAttachablesDataGrid . ElementName = Convert . ToString ( attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows [ i ] . Cells [ 0 ] . Value ) ;
parametersFromAttachablesDataGrid . FilePath = Convert . ToString ( attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows [ i ] . Cells [ 1 ] . Value ) ;
parametersFromAttachablesDataGrid . AddToFile = Convert . ToString ( attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows [ i ] . Cells [ 2 ] . Value ) ;
catch ( Exception ex ) { MessageBox . Show ( ex . Message , "Exception" , MessageBoxButtons . YesNoCancel , MessageBoxIcon . Warning ) ; }
device . dataGridAttachablesParametrsList . Add ( parametersFromAttachablesDataGrid ) ;
i + + ;
2022-04-25 21:58:30 +00:00
SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog
Filter = "AML Files( *.amlx )| *.amlx;" ,
FileName = vendorNameTextBox . Text + "-" + deviceNameTextBox . Text + "-V.1.0-" + DateTime . Now . Date . ToShortDateString ( )
} ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
if ( saveFileDialog . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
device . filepath = Path . GetDirectoryName ( saveFileDialog . FileName ) ;
device . environment = Path . GetDirectoryName ( saveFileDialog . FileName ) ;
device . fileName = saveFileDialog . FileName ;
// storing user defined values of Attachebles data grid view in to list
// Pass the device to the controller
2022-04-25 21:58:30 +00:00
string result1 = mWController . CreateDeviceOnClick ( device , isEditing , useCaex2_15 ) ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
// Display the result
if ( result1 ! = null )
// Display Dialog
MessageBox . Show ( result1 , "Automation Component Saved" , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Information ) ;
catch ( Exception )
return ;
private void saveeToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( vendorNameTextBox . Text = = "" & & deviceNameTextBox . Text = = "" )
MessageBox . Show ( "Enter Vendor Name and Device Name before saving an Automation Component" , "Missing Fields" , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Warning ) ;
return ;
else if ( vendorNameTextBox . Text = = "" )
MessageBox . Show ( "Error no vendor name set!" , "Missing Fields" , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Warning ) ;
return ;
else if ( deviceNameTextBox . Text = = "" )
MessageBox . Show ( "Error no device name set!" , "Missing Fields" , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Warning ) ;
return ;
foreach ( var pair in device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent )
foreach ( var valueList in pair . Value )
foreach ( var item in valueList )
var attributeName = item . AttributePath . ToString ( ) ;
if ( attributeName . Equals ( "IdentificationData.Manufacturer" ) | | attributeName . Equals ( "IdentificationData.DeviceClass" ) | | attributeName . Equals ( "IdentificationData.Model" ) | | attributeName . Equals ( "IdentificationData.ProductCode" ) )
if ( item . Value = = null )
MessageBox . Show ( "Error no " + attributeName . Split ( '.' ) [ 1 ] + " set!" , "Missing Fields" , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Warning ) ;
return ;
else if ( attributeName . Equals ( "IdentificationData.ManufacturerURI" ) )
if ( item . Value = = null )
MessageBox . Show ( "Error no " + attributeName . Split ( '.' ) [ 1 ] + " set!" , "Missing Fields" , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Warning ) ;
return ;
if ( ! item . Value . StartsWith ( "https://" ) & & ! item . Value . StartsWith ( "http://" ) & & ! item . Value . StartsWith ( "www." ) & & ! item . Value . StartsWith ( "WWW." ) & & ! item . Value . StartsWith ( "/" ) )
MessageBox . Show ( "Error " + attributeName . Split ( '.' ) [ 1 ] + " is not valid!" , "URI not valid!" , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Warning ) ;
return ;
device . vendorName = vendorNameTextBox . Text ;
device . deviceName = deviceNameTextBox . Text ;
device . dataGridAttachablesParametrsList = new List < AttachablesDataGridViewParameters > ( ) ;
if ( attachablesInfoDataGridView ! = null )
int i = 0 ;
int j = attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows . Count - 1 ;
if ( i < = 0 )
while ( i < j )
AttachablesDataGridViewParameters parametersFromAttachablesDataGrid = new AttachablesDataGridViewParameters ( ) ;
parametersFromAttachablesDataGrid . ElementName = Convert . ToString ( attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows [ i ] . Cells [ 0 ] . Value ) ;
parametersFromAttachablesDataGrid . FilePath = Convert . ToString ( attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows [ i ] . Cells [ 1 ] . Value ) ;
parametersFromAttachablesDataGrid . AddToFile = Convert . ToString ( attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows [ i ] . Cells [ 2 ] . Value ) ;
catch ( Exception ex ) { MessageBox . Show ( ex . Message , "Exception" , MessageBoxButtons . YesNoCancel , MessageBoxIcon . Warning ) ; }
device . dataGridAttachablesParametrsList . Add ( parametersFromAttachablesDataGrid ) ;
i + + ;
SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog ( ) ;
// saveFileDialog.Filter = "AML Files( *.amlx )| *.amlx;";
saveFileDialog . FileName = vendorNameTextBox . Text + "-" + deviceNameTextBox . Text + "-V.1.0-" + DateTime . Now . Date . ToShortDateString ( ) ;
if ( saveFileDialog . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
device . filepath = Path . GetDirectoryName ( saveFileDialog . FileName ) ;
device . environment = Path . GetDirectoryName ( saveFileDialog . FileName ) ;
//filePathLabel.Text = Path.GetDirectoryName(saveFileDialog.FileName);
device . fileName = saveFileDialog . FileName ;
// storing user defined values of Attachebles data grid view in to list
// Pass the device to the controller
2022-04-25 21:58:30 +00:00
string result1 = mWController . CreateDeviceOnClick ( device , isEditing , useCaex2_15 ) ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
// Display the result
if ( result1 ! = null )
// Display error Dialog
MessageBox . Show ( result1 , "Automation Component Saved" , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Information ) ;
newToolStripMenuItem_Click ( sender , e ) ;
device . DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces = new Dictionary < string , List < List < ClassOfListsFromReferencefile > > > ( ) ;
device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces = new Dictionary < string , List < List < ClassOfListsFromReferencefile > > > ( ) ;
device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent = new Dictionary < string , List < List < ClassOfListsFromReferencefile > > > ( ) ;
device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderRoleClassofComponent = new Dictionary < string , List < List < ClassOfListsFromReferencefile > > > ( ) ;
// Assigning values and parameters in "Identification data grid" to properties given in class "DatatableParametersCarrier" in MWDevice
catch ( Exception )
return ;
private void newToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
2022-04-25 21:58:30 +00:00
isEditing = false ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
clear ( ) ;
loadStandardLibrary ( ) ;
checkForAutomtionComponent ( ) ;
foreach ( DataGridViewRow row in genericInformationDataGridView . Rows )
if ( row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value ! = null )
if ( row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value . ToString ( ) = = "1" & & row . Cells [ 1 ] . Value . ToString ( ) = = "AutomationComponent{Class: AutomationMLBaseRole}" )
string SRCSerialNumber = row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
string SRC = row . Cells [ 1 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
foreach ( var pair in searchAMLLibraryFile . DictionaryForRoleClassInstanceAttributes )
if ( pair . Key . ToString ( ) = = SRC )
if ( device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . ContainsKey ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC ) )
device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . Remove ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC ) ;
device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . Add ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC , pair . Value ) ;
device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . Add ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC , pair . Value ) ;
TreeNode parentNode = genericInformationtreeView . Nodes . Add ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC ,
"(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC , 2 ) ;
autoloadGenericInformationtreeView ( parentNode ) ;
catch ( Exception )
throw ;
private void exitToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
Environment . Exit ( 0 ) ;
private void aboutToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
About about = new About ( ) ;
about . ShowDialog ( ) ;
private void manualToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
2022-04-08 20:12:36 +00:00
string search = "https://github.com/H4CK3R-01/TINF20C_ModellingWizard_Devices/wiki/6.-User-Manual" ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
System . Diagnostics . Process . Start ( search ) ;
private void openToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
2022-04-25 21:58:30 +00:00
isEditing = true ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
searchAMLComponentFile . DictionaryofElectricalConnectorType = new Dictionary < string , List < List < ClassOfListsFromReferencefile > > > ( ) ;
searchAMLComponentFile . DictioanryofElectricalConnectorPinType = new Dictionary < string , List < List < ClassOfListsFromReferencefile > > > ( ) ;
searchAMLComponentFile . DictionaryofRolesforAutomationComponenet = new Dictionary < string , List < List < ClassOfListsFromReferencefile > > > ( ) ;
device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces = new Dictionary < string , List < List < ClassOfListsFromReferencefile > > > ( ) ;
device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderRoleClassofComponent = new Dictionary < string , List < List < ClassOfListsFromReferencefile > > > ( ) ;
device . DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces = new Dictionary < string , List < List < ClassOfListsFromReferencefile > > > ( ) ;
device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent = new Dictionary < string , List < List < ClassOfListsFromReferencefile > > > ( ) ;
device . DictofElectricalInterfaceParameters = new Dictionary < string , List < ElectricalInterfaceParameters > > ( ) ;
CAEXDocument document = null ;
OpenFileDialog open = new OpenFileDialog ( ) ;
open . Filter = "AML Files(*.aml; *.amlx;*.xml;*.AML )|*.aml; *.amlx;*.xml;*.AML;" ;
if ( open . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
if ( open . FileName ! = null )
clear ( ) ;
device . filepath = Path . GetDirectoryName ( open . FileName ) ;
//open and load interfaces from file
treeViewRoleClassLib . Nodes . Clear ( ) ;
treeViewInterfaceClassLib . Nodes . Clear ( ) ;
string file = open . FileName ;
FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo ( file ) ;
string objectName = fileInfo . Name ;
string filetype = null ;
if ( ( filetype = Convert . ToString ( Path . GetExtension ( open . FileName ) ) ) = = ".amlx" )
// Load the amlx container from the given filepath
AutomationMLContainer amlx = new AutomationMLContainer ( file ) ;
// Get the root path -> main .aml file
IEnumerable < PackagePart > rootParts = amlx . GetPartsByRelationShipType ( AutomationMLContainer . RelationshipType . Root ) ;
// We expect the aml to only have one root part
2022-05-06 06:34:22 +00:00
if ( rootParts . Count ( ) ! = 0 & & rootParts . First ( ) ! = null )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
PackagePart part = rootParts . First ( ) ;
// load the aml file as an CAEX document
document = CAEXDocument . LoadFromStream ( part . GetStream ( ) ) ;
// Iterate over all SystemUnitClassLibs and SystemUnitClasses and scan if it matches our format
// since we expect only one device per aml(x) file, return after on is found
amlx . Close ( ) ;
if ( ( filetype = Convert . ToString ( Path . GetExtension ( open . FileName ) ) ) = = ".aml" | | ( filetype = Convert . ToString ( Path . GetExtension ( open . FileName ) ) ) = = ".xml" )
document = CAEXDocument . LoadFromFile ( file ) ;
string referencedClassName = "" ;
foreach ( var classLibType in document . CAEXFile . RoleClassLib )
TreeNode libNode = treeViewRoleClassLib . Nodes . Add ( classLibType . ToString ( ) , classLibType . ToString ( ) , 0 ) ;
foreach ( var classType in classLibType . RoleClass )
TreeNode roleNode ;
if ( classType . ReferencedClassName ! = "" )
referencedClassName = classType . ReferencedClassName ;
roleNode = libNode . Nodes . Add ( classType . ToString ( ) , classType . ToString ( ) + "{" + "Class:" + " " + referencedClassName + "}" , 1 ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . SearchForReferencedClassName ( document , referencedClassName , classType ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . CheckForAttributesOfReferencedClassName ( classType ) ;
roleNode = libNode . Nodes . Add ( classType . ToString ( ) , classType . ToString ( ) , 1 ) ;
if ( classType . ExternalInterface . Exists )
foreach ( var externalinterface in classType . ExternalInterface )
TreeNode externalinterfacenode ;
if ( externalinterface . BaseClass ! = null )
referencedClassName = externalinterface . BaseClass . ToString ( ) ;
externalinterfacenode = roleNode . Nodes . Add ( externalinterface . ToString ( ) , externalinterface . ToString ( ) + "{" + "Class:" + " " + referencedClassName + "}" , 2 ) ;
externalinterfacenode . ForeColor = SystemColors . GrayText ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . SearchForReferencedClassNameofExternalIterface ( document , referencedClassName , classType , externalinterface ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . CheckForAttributesOfReferencedClassNameofExternalIterface ( classType , externalinterface ) ;
externalinterfacenode = roleNode . Nodes . Add ( externalinterface . ToString ( ) , externalinterface . ToString ( ) , 2 ) ;
// searchAMLLibraryFile.CheckForAttributesOfReferencedClassNameofExternalIterface(classType, externalinterface);
searchAMLLibraryFile . PrintExternalInterfaceNodes ( document , externalinterfacenode , externalinterface , classType ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . PrintNodesRecursiveInRoleClassLib ( document , roleNode , classType , referencedClassName ) ;
foreach ( var classLibType in document . CAEXFile . InterfaceClassLib )
// searchAMLLibraryFile.DictioanryOfIDofInterfaceClassLibraryNodes.Add(classLibType.Name.ToString(), classLibType.ID.ToString());
TreeNode libNode = treeViewInterfaceClassLib . Nodes . Add ( classLibType . ToString ( ) , classLibType . ToString ( ) , 0 ) ;
foreach ( var classType in classLibType . InterfaceClass )
TreeNode interfaceclassNode ;
if ( classType . ReferencedClassName ! = "" )
// searchAMLLibraryFile.DictioanryOfIDofInterfaceClassLibraryNodes.Add(classType.Name.ToString(), classType.ID.ToString());
referencedClassName = classType . ReferencedClassName ;
interfaceclassNode = libNode . Nodes . Add ( classType . ToString ( ) , classType . ToString ( ) + "{" + "Class:" + " " + referencedClassName + "}" , 1 ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . SearchForReferencedClassName ( document , referencedClassName , classType ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . CheckForAttributesOfReferencedClassName ( classType ) ;
//searchAMLLibraryFile.DictioanryOfIDofInterfaceClassLibraryNodes.Add(classType.Name.ToString(), classType.ID.ToString());
interfaceclassNode = libNode . Nodes . Add ( classType . ToString ( ) , classType . ToString ( ) , 1 ) ;
if ( classType . ExternalInterface . Exists )
foreach ( var externalinterface in classType . ExternalInterface )
TreeNode externalinterfacenode ;
if ( externalinterface . BaseClass ! = null )
//searchAMLLibraryFile.DictioanryOfIDofInterfaceClassLibraryNodes.Add(classType.Name.ToString()+ externalinterface.ToString(), externalinterface.ID.ToString());
referencedClassName = externalinterface . BaseClass . ToString ( ) ;
externalinterfacenode = interfaceclassNode . Nodes . Add ( externalinterface . ToString ( ) , externalinterface . ToString ( ) + "{" + "Class:" + " " + referencedClassName + "}" , 2 ) ;
externalinterfacenode . ForeColor = SystemColors . GrayText ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . SearchForReferencedClassNameofExternalIterface ( document , referencedClassName , classType , externalinterface ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . CheckForAttributesOfReferencedClassNameofExternalIterface ( classType , externalinterface ) ;
//searchAMLLibraryFile.DictioanryOfIDofInterfaceClassLibraryNodes.Add(classType.Name.ToString() + externalinterface.ToString(), externalinterface.ID.ToString());
externalinterfacenode = interfaceclassNode . Nodes . Add ( externalinterface . ToString ( ) , externalinterface . ToString ( ) , 2 ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . PrintExternalInterfaceNodes ( document , externalinterfacenode , externalinterface , classType ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . PrintNodesRecursiveInInterfaceClassLib ( document , interfaceclassNode , classType , referencedClassName ) ;
catch ( Exception )
MessageBox . Show ( "Missing names of attributes or same attribute sequence is repeated in the given file" , "Missing Names" , MessageBoxButtons . OKCancel , MessageBoxIcon . Warning ) ;
//open and load data from file
string file = open . FileName ;
FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo ( file ) ;
string objectName = fileInfo . Name ;
// DirectoryInfo directory = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(file));
string tempDirectory = Path . Combine ( Path . GetTempPath ( ) , Path . GetRandomFileName ( ) ) ;
Directory . CreateDirectory ( tempDirectory ) ;
DirectoryInfo directory = new DirectoryInfo ( tempDirectory ) ;
// Load the amlx container from the given filepath
AutomationMLContainer amlx = new AutomationMLContainer ( file ) ;
amlx . ExtractAllFiles ( tempDirectory ) ;
/ * amlx . ExtractAllFiles ( Path . GetDirectoryName ( file ) ) ;
Get the root path - > main . aml file * /
IEnumerable < PackagePart > rootParts = amlx . GetPartsByRelationShipType ( AutomationMLContainer . RelationshipType . Root ) ;
// We expect the aml to only have one root part
if ( rootParts . First ( ) ! = null )
PackagePart part = rootParts . First ( ) ;
// load the aml file as an CAEX document
document = CAEXDocument . LoadFromStream ( part . GetStream ( ) ) ;
getAllInterfaces ( treeViewInterfaceClassLib . Nodes ) ;
foreach ( var classLibType in document . CAEXFile . SystemUnitClassLib )
foreach ( var classType in classLibType . SystemUnitClass )
if ( classType . SupportedRoleClass . Exists )
int i = 1 ;
//Generic Data
foreach ( var SRC in classType . SupportedRoleClass )
if ( classType . Attribute . Exists )
foreach ( var attribute in classType . Attribute )
searchForComponentNames ( attribute ) ;
if ( attribute . Name = = "Manufacturer" )
if ( attribute . Value ! = null )
vendorNameTextBox . Text = attribute . Value ;
vendorNameTextBox . Text = "No Vendor Name Set" ;
if ( attribute . Name = = "Model" )
if ( attribute . Value ! = null )
deviceNameTextBox . Text = attribute . Value ;
deviceNameTextBox . Text = "No Device Name Set" ;
searchAMLComponentFile . CheckForAttributesOfComponent ( i , SRC , classType ) ;
int num = genericInformationDataGridView . Rows . Add ( ) ;
List < string > listofSerialNumbers = new List < string > ( ) ;
List < int > listofFinalSerialNumber = new List < int > ( ) ;
string number = "" ;
int finalNumber = 0 ;
int ultimatenumber = 0 ;
if ( genericInformationDataGridView . Rows . Count > 2 )
foreach ( DataGridViewRow row in genericInformationDataGridView . Rows )
if ( row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value = = null )
number = "0" ;
listofSerialNumbers . Add ( number ) ;
if ( row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value ! = null )
number = row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
listofSerialNumbers . Add ( number ) ;
foreach ( string str in listofSerialNumbers )
finalNumber = Convert . ToInt32 ( str ) ;
listofFinalSerialNumber . Add ( finalNumber ) ;
ultimatenumber = listofFinalSerialNumber . Max ( ) ;
genericInformationDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 0 ] . Value = + + ultimatenumber ;
genericInformationDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 0 ] . Value = 1 ;
genericInformationDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 1 ] . Value =
"(" + i + ")" + SRC . RoleReference . ToString ( ) ;
genericInformationDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 4 ] . Value = true ;
genericInformationtreeView . Nodes . Clear ( ) ;
TreeNode parentNode ;
var AutomationMLDataTables = new AutomationMLDataTables ( ) ;
genericInformationDataGridView . CurrentRow . Selected = true ;
if ( genericInformationDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 0 ] . Value ! = null )
string SRCSerialNumber = genericInformationDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 0 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
if ( Convert . ToBoolean ( genericInformationDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 4 ] . Value ) = = true )
genericparametersAttrDataGridView . Rows . Clear ( ) ;
string SRCName = genericInformationDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 1 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
foreach ( var pair in searchAMLComponentFile . DictionaryofRolesforAutomationComponenet )
if ( pair . Key . ToString ( ) = = SRCName )
if ( device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . ContainsKey ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRCName ) )
device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . Remove ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRCName ) ;
device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . Add ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRCName , pair . Value ) ;
device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . Add ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRCName , pair . Value ) ;
catch ( Exception )
throw ;
parentNode = genericInformationtreeView . Nodes . Add ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRCName , "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRCName , 2 ) ;
autoloadGenericInformationtreeView ( parentNode ) ;
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
vendorNameTextBox_Leave ( new object ( ) , new EventArgs ( ) ) ;
deviceNameTextBox_Leave ( new object ( ) , new EventArgs ( ) ) ;
i + + ;
//Internal elements --> Interfaces and Attachments
foreach ( var internalElements in classType . InternalElement )
//Interface Code
if ( internalElements . Name = = "Interfaces" | | internalElements . Name = = "ElectricalInterfaces" )
int counter = 1 ;
foreach ( var subinternalElements in internalElements . InternalElement )
foreach ( var electricalConnectorType in subinternalElements
. ExternalInterface )
if ( electricalConnectorType ! = null )
searchAMLComponentFile . CheckForAttributesOfExternalIterface ( counter ,
electricalConnectorType ) ;
int num = electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows . Add ( ) ;
List < string > listofSerialNumbers = new List < string > ( ) ;
List < int > listofFinalSerialNumber = new List < int > ( ) ;
string number = "" ;
int finalNumber = 0 ;
int ultimatenumber = 0 ;
if ( electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows . Count > 2 )
foreach ( DataGridViewRow row in
electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows )
if ( row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value = = null )
number = "0" ;
listofSerialNumbers . Add ( number ) ;
if ( row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value ! = null )
number = row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
listofSerialNumbers . Add ( number ) ;
foreach ( string str in listofSerialNumbers )
finalNumber = Convert . ToInt32 ( str ) ;
listofFinalSerialNumber . Add ( finalNumber ) ;
ultimatenumber = listofFinalSerialNumber . Max ( ) ;
electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 0 ]
. Value = + + ultimatenumber ;
electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 0 ]
. Value = 1 ;
electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 1 ]
. Value = "(" + counter + ")" +
electricalConnectorType . Name . ToString ( )
+ "{" + "Class:" + " " +
electricalConnectorType . BaseClass + "}" ;
electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 4 ]
. Value = true ;
foreach ( var electricalConnectorPins in electricalConnectorType
. ExternalInterface )
if ( electricalConnectorPins ! = null )
. CheckForAttributesOfEclectricalConnectorPins ( counter ,
electricalConnectorPins , electricalConnectorType ) ;
treeViewElectricalInterfaces . Nodes . Clear ( ) ;
TreeNode parentNode ;
TreeNode childNodes ;
if ( electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 0 ]
. Value ! = null )
string interfaceSerialNumber =
electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ]
. Cells [ 0 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
if ( Convert . ToBoolean ( electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView
. Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 4 ] . Value ) = = true )
elecInterAttDataGridView . Rows . Clear ( ) ;
string interfaceClass =
electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ]
. Cells [ 1 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
foreach ( var pair in searchAMLComponentFile
. DictionaryofElectricalConnectorType )
if ( pair . Key . ToString ( ) = = interfaceClass )
if ( device
. DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces
. ContainsKey ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber +
")" + interfaceClass ) )
. DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces
. Remove ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber +
")" + interfaceClass ) ;
. DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces
. Add (
"(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" +
interfaceClass , pair . Value ) ;
. DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces
. Add (
"(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" +
interfaceClass , pair . Value ) ;
catch ( Exception )
throw ;
parentNode =
treeViewElectricalInterfaces . Nodes . Add (
"(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass ,
"(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass ,
2 ) ;
foreach ( var pair in searchAMLComponentFile
. DictioanryofElectricalConnectorPinType )
if ( pair . Key . Contains ( interfaceClass ) )
if ( device
. DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces
. ContainsKey ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber +
")" + pair . Key . ToString ( ) ) )
. DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces
. Remove ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber +
")" + pair . Key . ToString ( ) ) ;
. DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces
. Add (
"(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" +
pair . Key . ToString ( ) , pair . Value ) ;
. DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces
. Add (
"(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" +
pair . Key . ToString ( ) , pair . Value ) ;
catch ( Exception )
throw ;
childNodes = parentNode . Nodes . Add (
pair . Key . Replace ( interfaceClass , "" ) . ToString ( )
, pair . Key . Replace ( interfaceClass , "" ) . ToString ( ) ,
2 ) ;
counter + + ;
//Try Attachment, sonst Fehler
//Attachment Code
if ( internalElements . Name ! = "Interfaces" & & internalElements . Name ! = "ElectricalInterfaces" & & internalElements . Name ! = "DeviceIdentification" )
int num = attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows . Add ( ) ;
attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 0 ] . Value = internalElements . Name ;
foreach ( var externalInterface in internalElements . ExternalInterface )
foreach ( var attribute in externalInterface . Attribute )
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
if ( attribute . Value ! = null )
if ( attribute . Value . Contains ( "https://" ) | |
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
attribute . Value . Contains ( "http://" ) | |
attribute . Value . Contains ( "www" ) | | attribute . Value . Contains ( "WWW" ) )
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 1 ] . Value =
attribute . Value ;
attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 2 ] . Value = true ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
foreach ( FileInfo fileInfo1 in directory . GetFiles ( ) )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
string name = attribute . Value . ToString ( ) ;
if ( name . Contains ( "%20" ) )
name = Uri . UnescapeDataString ( name ) ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
if ( name . Contains ( "%28" ) | | name . Contains ( "%29" ) )
name = Uri . UnescapeDataString ( name ) ;
if ( name . Contains ( fileInfo1 . ToString ( ) ) )
attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 1 ] . Value =
fileInfo1 . FullName ;
attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 2 ] . Value = true ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
MessageBox . Show ( "An error occurred while loading internal elements: " + internalElements . Name , "Error loading element" , MessageBoxButtons . OKCancel , MessageBoxIcon . Error ) ;
foreach ( var classTypeTwo in classType . SystemUnitClass )
int i = 1 ;
//Generic Data
foreach ( var SRC in classTypeTwo . SupportedRoleClass )
if ( classTypeTwo . Attribute . Exists )
foreach ( var attribute in classTypeTwo . Attribute )
searchForComponentNames ( attribute ) ;
if ( attribute . Name = = "Manufacturer" )
if ( attribute . Value ! = null )
vendorNameTextBox . Text = attribute . Value ;
vendorNameTextBox . Text = "No Vendor Name Set" ;
if ( attribute . Name = = "Model" )
if ( attribute . Value ! = null )
deviceNameTextBox . Text = attribute . Value ;
deviceNameTextBox . Text = "No Device Name Set" ;
searchAMLComponentFile . CheckForAttributesOfComponent ( i , SRC , classTypeTwo ) ;
int num = genericInformationDataGridView . Rows . Add ( ) ;
List < string > listofSerialNumbers = new List < string > ( ) ;
List < int > listofFinalSerialNumber = new List < int > ( ) ;
string number = "" ;
int finalNumber = 0 ;
int ultimatenumber = 0 ;
if ( genericInformationDataGridView . Rows . Count > 2 )
foreach ( DataGridViewRow row in genericInformationDataGridView . Rows )
if ( row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value = = null )
number = "0" ;
listofSerialNumbers . Add ( number ) ;
if ( row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value ! = null )
number = row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
listofSerialNumbers . Add ( number ) ;
foreach ( string str in listofSerialNumbers )
finalNumber = Convert . ToInt32 ( str ) ;
listofFinalSerialNumber . Add ( finalNumber ) ;
ultimatenumber = listofFinalSerialNumber . Max ( ) ;
genericInformationDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 0 ] . Value =
+ + ultimatenumber ;
genericInformationDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 0 ] . Value = 1 ;
genericInformationDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 1 ] . Value =
"(" + i + ")" + SRC . RoleReference . ToString ( ) ;
genericInformationDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 4 ] . Value = true ;
genericInformationtreeView . Nodes . Clear ( ) ;
TreeNode parentNode ;
var AutomationMLDataTables = new AutomationMLDataTables ( ) ;
genericInformationDataGridView . CurrentRow . Selected = true ;
if ( genericInformationDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 0 ] . Value ! = null )
string SRCSerialNumber = genericInformationDataGridView . Rows [ num ]
. Cells [ 0 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
if ( Convert . ToBoolean ( genericInformationDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 4 ]
. Value ) = = true )
genericparametersAttrDataGridView . Rows . Clear ( ) ;
string SRCName = genericInformationDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 1 ]
. Value . ToString ( ) ;
foreach ( var pair in searchAMLComponentFile
. DictionaryofRolesforAutomationComponenet )
if ( pair . Key . ToString ( ) = = SRCName )
if ( device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent
. ContainsKey ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRCName ) )
device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . Remove (
"(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRCName ) ;
device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . Add (
"(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRCName ,
pair . Value ) ;
device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . Add (
"(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRCName ,
pair . Value ) ;
catch ( Exception )
throw ;
parentNode = genericInformationtreeView . Nodes . Add (
"(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRCName ,
"(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRCName , 2 ) ;
autoloadGenericInformationtreeView ( parentNode ) ;
vendorNameTextBox_Leave ( new object ( ) , new EventArgs ( ) ) ;
deviceNameTextBox_Leave ( new object ( ) , new EventArgs ( ) ) ;
i + + ;
//Internal elements --> Interfaces and Attachments
foreach ( var internalElements in classTypeTwo . InternalElement )
if ( internalElements . IsDocumentElement ( ) )
foreach ( var intface in internalElements . ExternalInterface )
//Code for Interfaces
if ( AllInterfaces . Contains ( intface . BaseClass . Name ) & & intface . BaseClass . Name ! = "ExternalDataConnector" & & intface . BaseClass . Name ! = "ExternalDataReference" )
int counter = 1 ;
if ( intface ! = null )
searchAMLComponentFile . CheckForAttributesOfExternalIterface ( counter , intface ) ;
int num = electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows . Add ( ) ;
List < string > listofSerialNumbers = new List < string > ( ) ;
List < int > listofFinalSerialNumber = new List < int > ( ) ;
string number = "" ;
int finalNumber = 0 ;
int ultimatenumber = 0 ;
if ( electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows . Count > 2 )
foreach ( DataGridViewRow row in electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows )
if ( row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value = = null )
number = "0" ;
listofSerialNumbers . Add ( number ) ;
if ( row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value ! = null )
number = row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
listofSerialNumbers . Add ( number ) ;
foreach ( string str in listofSerialNumbers )
finalNumber = Convert . ToInt32 ( str ) ;
listofFinalSerialNumber . Add ( finalNumber ) ;
ultimatenumber = listofFinalSerialNumber . Max ( ) ;
electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 0 ] . Value = + + ultimatenumber ;
electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 0 ] . Value = 1 ;
electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 1 ] . Value = "(" + counter + ")" + intface . Name . ToString ( ) + "{" + "Class:" + " " + intface . BaseClass + "}" ;
electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 4 ] . Value = true ;
foreach ( var electricalConnectorPins in intface . ExternalInterface )
if ( electricalConnectorPins ! = null )
searchAMLComponentFile . CheckForAttributesOfEclectricalConnectorPins ( counter , electricalConnectorPins , intface ) ;
treeViewElectricalInterfaces . Nodes . Clear ( ) ;
TreeNode parentNode ;
TreeNode childNodes ;
if ( electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 0 ] . Value ! = null )
string interfaceSerialNumber = electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 0 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
if ( Convert . ToBoolean ( electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 4 ] . Value ) = = true )
elecInterAttDataGridView . Rows . Clear ( ) ;
string interfaceClass = electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 1 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
foreach ( var pair in searchAMLComponentFile . DictionaryofElectricalConnectorType )
if ( pair . Key . ToString ( ) = = interfaceClass )
if ( device . DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces . ContainsKey ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass ) )
device . DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces . Remove ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass ) ;
device . DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces . Add ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass , pair . Value ) ;
device . DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces . Add ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass , pair . Value ) ;
catch ( Exception )
throw ;
parentNode = treeViewElectricalInterfaces . Nodes . Add ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass , "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass , 2 ) ;
foreach ( var pair in searchAMLComponentFile . DictioanryofElectricalConnectorPinType )
if ( pair . Key . Contains ( interfaceClass ) )
if ( device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces . ContainsKey ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + pair . Key . ToString ( ) ) )
device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces . Remove ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + pair . Key . ToString ( ) ) ;
device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces . Add ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + pair . Key . ToString ( ) , pair . Value ) ;
device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces . Add ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + pair . Key . ToString ( ) , pair . Value ) ;
catch ( Exception )
throw ;
childNodes = parentNode . Nodes . Add ( pair . Key . Replace ( interfaceClass , "" ) . ToString ( ) , pair . Key . Replace ( interfaceClass , "" ) . ToString ( ) , 2 ) ;
counter + + ;
//Try Attachment, sonst Fehler
//Code for Attachables
if ( internalElements . Name ! = "Interfaces" & & internalElements . Name ! = "ElectricalInterfaces" & & internalElements . Name ! = "DeviceIdentification" )
int num = attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows . Add ( ) ;
attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 0 ] . Value =
internalElements . Name ;
foreach ( var externalInterface in internalElements . ExternalInterface )
foreach ( var attribute in externalInterface . Attribute )
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
if ( attribute . Value ! = null )
if ( attribute . Value . Contains ( "https://" ) | |
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
attribute . Value . Contains ( "http://" ) | |
attribute . Value . Contains ( "www" ) | |
attribute . Value . Contains ( "WWW" ) )
attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 1 ]
. Value =
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
attribute . Value ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 2 ]
. Value = true ;
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
foreach ( FileInfo fileInfo1 in directory . GetFiles ( ) )
string name = attribute . Value . ToString ( ) ;
if ( name . Contains ( "%20" ) )
//name.Replace("%20", " ");
name = Uri . UnescapeDataString ( name ) ;
if ( name . Contains ( "%28" ) | | name . Contains ( "%29" ) )
name = Uri . UnescapeDataString ( name ) ;
if ( name . Contains ( fileInfo1 . ToString ( ) ) )
attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 1 ]
. Value =
fileInfo1 . FullName ;
attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 2 ]
. Value = true ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
MessageBox . Show ( "An error occurred while loading internal elements: " + internalElements . Name , "Error loading element" , MessageBoxButtons . OKCancel , MessageBoxIcon . Error ) ;
foreach ( var internalElementsTwo in internalElements . InternalElement )
foreach ( var intface in internalElementsTwo . ExternalInterface )
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
if ( intface . BaseClass ! = null )
//Code for Interfaces
if ( AllInterfaces . Contains ( intface . BaseClass . Name ) & & intface . BaseClass . Name ! = "ExternalDataConnector" & & intface . BaseClass . Name ! = "ExternalDataReference" )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
int counter = 1 ;
if ( intface ! = null )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
searchAMLComponentFile . CheckForAttributesOfExternalIterface ( counter , intface ) ;
int num = electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows . Add ( ) ;
List < string > listofSerialNumbers = new List < string > ( ) ;
List < int > listofFinalSerialNumber = new List < int > ( ) ;
string number = "" ;
int finalNumber = 0 ;
int ultimatenumber = 0 ;
if ( electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows . Count > 2 )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
foreach ( DataGridViewRow row in electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
if ( row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value = = null )
number = "0" ;
listofSerialNumbers . Add ( number ) ;
if ( row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value ! = null )
number = row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
listofSerialNumbers . Add ( number ) ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
foreach ( string str in listofSerialNumbers )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
finalNumber = Convert . ToInt32 ( str ) ;
listofFinalSerialNumber . Add ( finalNumber ) ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
ultimatenumber = listofFinalSerialNumber . Max ( ) ;
electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 0 ] . Value = + + ultimatenumber ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 0 ] . Value = 1 ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 1 ] . Value = "(" + counter + ")" + intface . Name . ToString ( ) + "{" + "Class:" + " " + intface . BaseClass + "}" ;
electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 4 ] . Value = true ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
foreach ( var electricalConnectorPins in intface . ExternalInterface )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
if ( electricalConnectorPins ! = null )
searchAMLComponentFile . CheckForAttributesOfEclectricalConnectorPins ( counter , electricalConnectorPins , intface ) ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
treeViewElectricalInterfaces . Nodes . Clear ( ) ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
TreeNode parentNode ;
TreeNode childNodes ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
if ( electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 0 ] . Value ! = null )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
string interfaceSerialNumber = electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 0 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
if ( Convert . ToBoolean ( electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 4 ] . Value ) = = true )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
elecInterAttDataGridView . Rows . Clear ( ) ;
string interfaceClass = electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 1 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
foreach ( var pair in searchAMLComponentFile . DictionaryofElectricalConnectorType )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
if ( pair . Key . ToString ( ) = = interfaceClass )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
if ( device . DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces . ContainsKey ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass ) )
device . DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces . Remove ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass ) ;
device . DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces . Add ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass , pair . Value ) ;
device . DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces . Add ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass , pair . Value ) ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
catch ( Exception )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
throw ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
parentNode = treeViewElectricalInterfaces . Nodes . Add ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass , "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass , 2 ) ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
foreach ( var pair in searchAMLComponentFile . DictioanryofElectricalConnectorPinType )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
if ( pair . Key . Contains ( interfaceClass ) )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
if ( device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces . ContainsKey ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + pair . Key . ToString ( ) ) )
device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces . Remove ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + pair . Key . ToString ( ) ) ;
device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces . Add ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + pair . Key . ToString ( ) , pair . Value ) ;
device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces . Add ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + pair . Key . ToString ( ) , pair . Value ) ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
catch ( Exception )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
throw ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
childNodes = parentNode . Nodes . Add ( pair . Key . Replace ( interfaceClass , "" ) . ToString ( ) , pair . Key . Replace ( interfaceClass , "" ) . ToString ( ) , 2 ) ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
counter + + ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
//Try Attachment, sonst Fehler
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
//Code for Attachables
if ( internalElementsTwo . Name ! = "Interfaces" & & internalElementsTwo . Name ! = "ElectricalInterfaces" & & internalElementsTwo . Name ! = "DeviceIdentification" )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
int num = attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows . Add ( ) ;
attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 0 ] . Value =
internalElementsTwo . Name ;
foreach ( var externalInterface in internalElementsTwo . ExternalInterface )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
foreach ( var attribute in externalInterface . Attribute )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
Console . WriteLine ( attribute ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( attribute . Value ) ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
if ( attribute . Value ! = null )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
if ( attribute . Value . Contains ( "https://" ) | | attribute . Value . Contains ( "http://" ) | | attribute . Value . Contains ( "www" ) | | attribute . Value . Contains ( "WWW" ) )
attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 1 ] . Value = attribute . Value ;
attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 2 ] . Value = true ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
foreach ( FileInfo fileInfo1 in directory . GetFiles ( ) )
string name = attribute . Value . ToString ( ) ;
if ( name . Contains ( "%20" ) )
//name.Replace("%20", " ");
name = Uri . UnescapeDataString ( name ) ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
if ( name . Contains ( "%28" ) | | name . Contains ( "%29" ) )
name = Uri . UnescapeDataString ( name ) ;
if ( name . Contains ( fileInfo1 . ToString ( ) ) )
attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 1 ]
. Value =
fileInfo1 . FullName ;
attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 2 ]
. Value = true ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
MessageBox . Show ( "An error occurred while loading internal elements: " + internalElements . Name , "Error loading element" , MessageBoxButtons . OKCancel , MessageBoxIcon . Error ) ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
amlx . Close ( ) ;
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
catch ( Exception )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
open . Dispose ( ) ;
newToolStripMenuItem_Click ( sender , e ) ;
MessageBox . Show ( "An error occurred while open file." + "\n" + "The AML file structure is not allowed. Check if there are two different aml files and merge them. Another error could be the structure of your AML file." , "Error opening file" , MessageBoxButtons . OKCancel , MessageBoxIcon . Error ) ;
private void loadLibraryFile_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
searchAMLLibraryFile . dictionaryofRoleClassattributes = new Dictionary < string , List < ClassOfListsFromReferencefile > > ( ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . DictionaryForInterfaceClassInstancesAttributes = new Dictionary < string , List < List < ClassOfListsFromReferencefile > > > ( ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesInstanceAttributesofInterfaceClassLib = new Dictionary < string , List < List < ClassOfListsFromReferencefile > > > ( ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . DictionaryForRoleClassInstanceAttributes = new Dictionary < string , List < List < ClassOfListsFromReferencefile > > > ( ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesInstancesAttributesOfRoleClassLib = new Dictionary < string , List < List < ClassOfListsFromReferencefile > > > ( ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . DictioanryOfIDofInterfaceClassLibraryNodes = new Dictionary < string , string > ( ) ;
CAEXDocument document = null ;
OpenFileDialog open = new OpenFileDialog ( ) ;
open . Filter = "AML Files(*.aml; *.amlx;*.xml;*.AML )|*.aml; *.amlx;*.xml;*.AML;" ;
if ( open . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
treeViewRoleClassLib . Nodes . Clear ( ) ;
treeViewInterfaceClassLib . Nodes . Clear ( ) ;
string file = open . FileName ;
FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo ( file ) ;
string objectName = fileInfo . Name ;
string filetype = null ;
if ( ( filetype = Convert . ToString ( Path . GetExtension ( open . FileName ) ) ) = = ".amlx" )
// Load the amlx container from the given filepath
AutomationMLContainer amlx = new AutomationMLContainer ( file ) ;
// Get the root path -> main .aml file
IEnumerable < PackagePart > rootParts = amlx . GetPartsByRelationShipType ( AutomationMLContainer . RelationshipType . Root ) ;
// We expect the aml to only have one root part
if ( rootParts . First ( ) ! = null )
PackagePart part = rootParts . First ( ) ;
// load the aml file as an CAEX document
document = CAEXDocument . LoadFromStream ( part . GetStream ( ) ) ;
// Iterate over all SystemUnitClassLibs and SystemUnitClasses and scan if it matches our format
// since we expect only one device per aml(x) file, return after on is found
amlx . Close ( ) ;
if ( ( filetype = Convert . ToString ( Path . GetExtension ( open . FileName ) ) ) = = ".aml" | | ( filetype = Convert . ToString ( Path . GetExtension ( open . FileName ) ) ) = = ".xml" )
document = CAEXDocument . LoadFromFile ( file ) ;
string referencedClassName = "" ;
foreach ( var classLibType in document . CAEXFile . RoleClassLib )
TreeNode libNode = treeViewRoleClassLib . Nodes . Add ( classLibType . ToString ( ) , classLibType . ToString ( ) , 0 ) ;
foreach ( var classType in classLibType . RoleClass )
TreeNode roleNode ;
if ( classType . ReferencedClassName ! = "" )
referencedClassName = classType . ReferencedClassName ;
roleNode = libNode . Nodes . Add ( classType . ToString ( ) , classType . ToString ( ) + "{" + "Class:" + " " + referencedClassName + "}" , 1 ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . SearchForReferencedClassName ( document , referencedClassName , classType ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . CheckForAttributesOfReferencedClassName ( classType ) ;
roleNode = libNode . Nodes . Add ( classType . ToString ( ) , classType . ToString ( ) , 1 ) ;
if ( classType . ExternalInterface . Exists )
foreach ( var externalinterface in classType . ExternalInterface )
TreeNode externalinterfacenode ;
if ( externalinterface . BaseClass ! = null )
referencedClassName = externalinterface . BaseClass . ToString ( ) ;
externalinterfacenode = roleNode . Nodes . Add ( externalinterface . ToString ( ) , externalinterface . ToString ( ) + "{" + "Class:" + " " + referencedClassName + "}" , 2 ) ;
externalinterfacenode . ForeColor = SystemColors . GrayText ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . SearchForReferencedClassNameofExternalIterface ( document , referencedClassName , classType , externalinterface ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . CheckForAttributesOfReferencedClassNameofExternalIterface ( classType , externalinterface ) ;
externalinterfacenode = roleNode . Nodes . Add ( externalinterface . ToString ( ) , externalinterface . ToString ( ) , 2 ) ;
// searchAMLLibraryFile.CheckForAttributesOfReferencedClassNameofExternalIterface(classType, externalinterface);
searchAMLLibraryFile . PrintExternalInterfaceNodes ( document , externalinterfacenode , externalinterface , classType ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . PrintNodesRecursiveInRoleClassLib ( document , roleNode , classType , referencedClassName ) ;
foreach ( var classLibType in document . CAEXFile . InterfaceClassLib )
// searchAMLLibraryFile.DictioanryOfIDofInterfaceClassLibraryNodes.Add(classLibType.Name.ToString(), classLibType.ID.ToString());
TreeNode libNode = treeViewInterfaceClassLib . Nodes . Add ( classLibType . ToString ( ) , classLibType . ToString ( ) , 0 ) ;
foreach ( var classType in classLibType . InterfaceClass )
TreeNode interfaceclassNode ;
if ( classType . ReferencedClassName ! = "" )
// searchAMLLibraryFile.DictioanryOfIDofInterfaceClassLibraryNodes.Add(classType.Name.ToString(), classType.ID.ToString());
referencedClassName = classType . ReferencedClassName ;
interfaceclassNode = libNode . Nodes . Add ( classType . ToString ( ) , classType . ToString ( ) + "{" + "Class:" + " " + referencedClassName + "}" , 1 ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . SearchForReferencedClassName ( document , referencedClassName , classType ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . CheckForAttributesOfReferencedClassName ( classType ) ;
//searchAMLLibraryFile.DictioanryOfIDofInterfaceClassLibraryNodes.Add(classType.Name.ToString(), classType.ID.ToString());
interfaceclassNode = libNode . Nodes . Add ( classType . ToString ( ) , classType . ToString ( ) , 1 ) ;
if ( classType . ExternalInterface . Exists )
foreach ( var externalinterface in classType . ExternalInterface )
TreeNode externalinterfacenode ;
if ( externalinterface . BaseClass ! = null )
//searchAMLLibraryFile.DictioanryOfIDofInterfaceClassLibraryNodes.Add(classType.Name.ToString()+ externalinterface.ToString(), externalinterface.ID.ToString());
referencedClassName = externalinterface . BaseClass . ToString ( ) ;
externalinterfacenode = interfaceclassNode . Nodes . Add ( externalinterface . ToString ( ) , externalinterface . ToString ( ) + "{" + "Class:" + " " + referencedClassName + "}" , 2 ) ;
externalinterfacenode . ForeColor = SystemColors . GrayText ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . SearchForReferencedClassNameofExternalIterface ( document , referencedClassName , classType , externalinterface ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . CheckForAttributesOfReferencedClassNameofExternalIterface ( classType , externalinterface ) ;
//searchAMLLibraryFile.DictioanryOfIDofInterfaceClassLibraryNodes.Add(classType.Name.ToString() + externalinterface.ToString(), externalinterface.ID.ToString());
externalinterfacenode = interfaceclassNode . Nodes . Add ( externalinterface . ToString ( ) , externalinterface . ToString ( ) , 2 ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . PrintExternalInterfaceNodes ( document , externalinterfacenode , externalinterface , classType ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . PrintNodesRecursiveInInterfaceClassLib ( document , interfaceclassNode , classType , referencedClassName ) ;
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
catch ( Exception )
MessageBox . Show ( "Missing names of attributes or same attribute sequence is repeated in the given file" , "Missing Names" , MessageBoxButtons . OKCancel , MessageBoxIcon . Warning ) ;
private void asInterfaceToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
TreeNode sourceNode = treeViewInterfaceClassLib . SelectedNode ;
int num = electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows . Add ( ) ;
List < string > listofSerialNumbers = new List < string > ( ) ;
List < int > listofFinalSerialNumber = new List < int > ( ) ;
string number = "" ;
int finalNumber = 0 ;
int ultimatenumber = 0 ;
if ( electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows . Count > 2 )
foreach ( DataGridViewRow row in electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows )
if ( row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value = = null )
number = "0" ;
listofSerialNumbers . Add ( number ) ;
if ( row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value ! = null )
number = row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
listofSerialNumbers . Add ( number ) ;
foreach ( string str in listofSerialNumbers )
finalNumber = Convert . ToInt32 ( str ) ;
listofFinalSerialNumber . Add ( finalNumber ) ;
ultimatenumber = listofFinalSerialNumber . Max ( ) ;
electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 0 ] . Value = + + ultimatenumber ;
electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 0 ] . Value = 1 ;
electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 1 ] . Value = sourceNode . Text ;
catch ( Exception )
MessageBox . Show ( "A whole Interface Library cannot be added " , "Select Parent Node to add Inetrface" , MessageBoxButtons . OKCancel , MessageBoxIcon . Information ) ;
private void dataTabControl_DrawItem ( object sender , DrawItemEventArgs e )
//Size, Name, Style change...
Font Font ;
//For forground color
Brush foreBrush ;
//Aktueller Focus
if ( e . Index = = this . dataTabControl . SelectedIndex )
//This line of code will help you to change the appearance like size,name,style.
Font = e . Font ;
//backBrush = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(Color.Black);
foreBrush = Brushes . Black ;
treeViewInterfaceClassLib . Visible = false ;
treeViewRoleClassLib . Visible = false ;
if ( e . Index = = 0 )
treeViewRoleClassLib . Visible = true ;
treeViewInterfaceClassLib . Visible = false ;
else if ( e . Index = = 1 )
treeViewInterfaceClassLib . Visible = true ;
treeViewRoleClassLib . Visible = false ;
Font = e . Font ;
//backBrush = new SolidBrush(e.BackColor);
foreBrush = new SolidBrush ( e . ForeColor ) ;
//To set the alignment of the caption.
string sTabName = this . dataTabControl . TabPages [ e . Index ] . Text ;
StringFormat sf = new StringFormat ( ) ;
sf . Alignment = StringAlignment . Center ;
//Thsi will help you to fill the interior portion of
//selected tabpage.
/*e.Graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.LightBlue), e.Bounds);*/
Rectangle rect = e . Bounds ;
rect = new Rectangle ( rect . X , rect . Y + 3 , rect . Width , rect . Height - 3 ) ;
e . Graphics . DrawString ( sTabName , Font , foreBrush , rect , sf ) ;
sf . Dispose ( ) ;
catch ( Exception Ex )
MessageBox . Show ( Ex . Message . ToString ( ) , "Error Occured" , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Information ) ;
private void automationMLRoleCmbBx_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( automationMLRoleCmbBx . Text ! = null & & attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows . Count > 0 )
string searchValue = automationMLRoleCmbBx . Text ;
string mid = "_" ;
int result = 1 ;
string end = Convert . ToString ( result ) ;
string final = searchValue + mid + end ;
List < string > listofstrings = new List < string > ( ) ;
List < int > listofintegers = new List < int > ( ) ;
int i ;
int result3 ;
string ultrafinal = String . Empty ;
attachablesInfoDataGridView . SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode . FullRowSelect ;
foreach ( DataGridViewRow row in attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows )
if ( row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value = = null )
AMLfileLabel . Text = automationMLRoleCmbBx . Text ;
AMLURLLabel . Text = automationMLRoleCmbBx . Text ;
catch ( Exception )
foreach ( DataGridViewRow eachrow in attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows )
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
if ( eachrow . Cells [ 0 ] . Value ! = null )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
if ( eachrow . Cells [ 0 ] . Value . Equals ( searchValue ) )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
foreach ( DataGridViewRow eachrow3 in attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
if ( eachrow3 . Cells [ 0 ] . Value ! = null & &
eachrow3 . Cells [ 0 ] . Value . ToString ( ) . Contains ( searchValue ) )
string eachstringindataGridView = eachrow3 . Cells [ 0 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
listofstrings . Add ( eachstringindataGridView ) ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
catch ( Exception )
throw ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
foreach ( string eachstring in listofstrings )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
bool success =
int . TryParse (
new string ( eachstring . SkipWhile ( x = > ! char . IsDigit ( x ) )
. TakeWhile ( x = > char . IsDigit ( x ) ) . ToArray ( ) ) , out i ) ;
if ( success = = false )
i = 0 ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
listofintegers . Add ( i ) ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
result3 = listofintegers . Max ( ) ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
ultrafinal = searchValue + mid + Convert . ToString ( + + result3 ) ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
AMLfileLabel . Text = ultrafinal ;
AMLURLLabel . Text = ultrafinal ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
catch ( Exception )
private void automationMLRoleCmbBx_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( automationMLRoleCmbBx . SelectedItem ! = null )
private void addRole_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( automationMLRoleCmbBx . Text ! = null & & attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows . Count > 0 )
string searchValue = automationMLRoleCmbBx . Text ;
string mid = "_" ;
int result = 1 ;
string end = Convert . ToString ( result ) ;
string final = searchValue + mid + end ;
List < string > listofstrings = new List < string > ( ) ;
List < int > listofintegers = new List < int > ( ) ;
int i ;
int result3 ;
string ultrafinal = String . Empty ;
attachablesInfoDataGridView . SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode . FullRowSelect ;
foreach ( DataGridViewRow row in attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows )
if ( row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value = = null )
AMLfileLabel . Text = automationMLRoleCmbBx . Text ;
AMLURLLabel . Text = automationMLRoleCmbBx . Text ;
catch ( Exception ) { }
foreach ( DataGridViewRow eachrow in attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows )
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
if ( eachrow . Cells [ 0 ] . Value ! = null )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
if ( eachrow . Cells [ 0 ] . Value . Equals ( searchValue ) )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
foreach ( DataGridViewRow eachrow3 in attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
if ( eachrow3 . Cells [ 0 ] . Value ! = null & & eachrow3 . Cells [ 0 ] . Value . ToString ( ) . Contains ( searchValue ) )
string eachstringindataGridView = eachrow3 . Cells [ 0 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
listofstrings . Add ( eachstringindataGridView ) ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
catch ( Exception )
throw ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
foreach ( string eachstring in listofstrings )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
bool success = int . TryParse ( new string ( eachstring . SkipWhile ( x = > ! char . IsDigit ( x ) ) . TakeWhile ( x = > char . IsDigit ( x ) ) . ToArray ( ) ) , out i ) ;
if ( success = = false )
i = 0 ;
listofintegers . Add ( i ) ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
result3 = listofintegers . Max ( ) ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
ultrafinal = searchValue + mid + Convert . ToString ( + + result3 ) ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
2022-04-07 09:44:51 +00:00
AMLfileLabel . Text = ultrafinal ;
AMLURLLabel . Text = ultrafinal ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
catch ( Exception ) { }
if ( automationMLRoleCmbBx . SelectedItem = = null | | automationMLRoleCmbBx . SelectedItem ! = null )
automationMLRoleCmbBx . DroppedDown = true ;
private void selectFileBtn_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( AMLfileLabel . Text ! = "" )
string filename = AMC . OpenFileDialog ( selectedFileLocationTxtBx ) ;
if ( selectedFileLocationTxtBx . Text ! = "" )
var index = attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows . Add ( ) ;
attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows [ index ] . Cells [ "ElementName" ] . Value = AMLfileLabel . Text ;
attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows [ index ] . Cells [ "FilePath" ] . Value = selectedFileLocationTxtBx . Text ;
selectedFileLocationTxtBx . Text = "" ;
AMLfileLabel . Text = "" ;
AMLURLLabel . Text = "" ;
MessageBox . Show ( "Select AutomationML Role type from the combo box and Click Add button." , "Caution" , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Information ) ;
private void selectURLBtn_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( AMLURLLabel . Text ! = "" )
if ( selectedFileURLTextBox . Text ! = "" )
var index = attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows . Add ( ) ;
attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows [ index ] . Cells [ "ElementName" ] . Value = AMLURLLabel . Text ;
attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows [ index ] . Cells [ "FilePath" ] . Value = selectedFileURLTextBox . Text ;
AMLURLLabel . Text = "" ;
AMLfileLabel . Text = "" ;
selectedFileURLTextBox . Text = "" ;
MessageBox . Show ( "Select AutomationML Role type from the combo box and Click Add button." , "Caution" , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Information ) ;
public void clear ( )
vendorNameTextBox . Text = "" ;
deviceNameTextBox . Text = "" ;
genericDataHeaderLabel . Text = "" ;
electricalInterfacesHeaderlabel . Text = "" ;
genericInformationDataGridView . Rows . Clear ( ) ;
genericInformationtreeView . Nodes . Clear ( ) ;
genericparametersAttrDataGridView . Rows . Clear ( ) ;
attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows . Clear ( ) ;
electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView . Rows . Clear ( ) ;
elecInterAttDataGridView . Rows . Clear ( ) ;
treeViewElectricalInterfaces . Nodes . Clear ( ) ;
device . DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces = new Dictionary < string , List < List < ClassOfListsFromReferencefile > > > ( ) ;
device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces = new Dictionary < string , List < List < ClassOfListsFromReferencefile > > > ( ) ;
device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent = new Dictionary < string , List < List < ClassOfListsFromReferencefile > > > ( ) ;
device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderRoleClassofComponent = new Dictionary < string , List < List < ClassOfListsFromReferencefile > > > ( ) ;
public void selectLibrary ( byte [ ] file )
CAEXDocument doc = null ;
doc = CAEXDocument . LoadFromBinary ( file ) ;
string referencedClassName = "" ;
foreach ( var classLibType in doc . CAEXFile . RoleClassLib )
bool decisiontoPrint = true ;
foreach ( TreeNode node in treeViewRoleClassLib . Nodes )
if ( node . Name = = classLibType . Name . ToString ( ) )
decisiontoPrint = false ;
break ;
if ( decisiontoPrint = = true )
TreeNode libNode = treeViewRoleClassLib . Nodes . Add ( classLibType . ToString ( ) , classLibType . ToString ( ) , 0 ) ;
foreach ( var classType in classLibType . RoleClass )
TreeNode roleNode ;
if ( classType . ReferencedClassName ! = "" )
referencedClassName = classType . ReferencedClassName ;
roleNode = libNode . Nodes . Add ( classType . ToString ( ) , classType . ToString ( ) + "{" + "Class:" + " " + referencedClassName + "}" , 1 ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . SearchForReferencedClassName ( doc , referencedClassName , classType ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . CheckForAttributesOfReferencedClassName ( classType ) ;
roleNode = libNode . Nodes . Add ( classType . ToString ( ) , classType . ToString ( ) , 1 ) ;
if ( classType . ExternalInterface . Exists )
foreach ( var externalinterface in classType . ExternalInterface )
TreeNode externalinterfacenode ;
if ( externalinterface . BaseClass ! = null )
referencedClassName = externalinterface . BaseClass . ToString ( ) ;
externalinterfacenode = roleNode . Nodes . Add ( externalinterface . ToString ( ) , externalinterface . ToString ( ) + "{" + "Class:" + " " + referencedClassName + "}" , 2 ) ;
externalinterfacenode . ForeColor = SystemColors . GrayText ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . SearchForReferencedClassNameofExternalIterface ( doc , referencedClassName , classType , externalinterface ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . CheckForAttributesOfReferencedClassNameofExternalIterface ( classType , externalinterface ) ;
externalinterfacenode = roleNode . Nodes . Add ( externalinterface . ToString ( ) , externalinterface . ToString ( ) , 2 ) ;
externalinterfacenode . ForeColor = SystemColors . GrayText ;
// searchAMLLibraryFile.CheckForAttributesOfReferencedClassNameofExternalIterface(classType, externalinterface);
searchAMLLibraryFile . PrintExternalInterfaceNodes ( doc , externalinterfacenode , externalinterface , classType ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . PrintNodesRecursiveInRoleClassLib ( doc , roleNode , classType , referencedClassName ) ;
foreach ( var classLibType in doc . CAEXFile . InterfaceClassLib )
bool decisiontoPrint = true ;
foreach ( TreeNode node in treeViewInterfaceClassLib . Nodes )
if ( node . Name = = classLibType . Name . ToString ( ) )
decisiontoPrint = false ;
break ;
if ( decisiontoPrint = = true )
// searchAMLLibraryFile.DictioanryOfIDofInterfaceClassLibraryNodes.Add(classLibType.Name.ToString(), classLibType.ID.ToString());
TreeNode libNode = treeViewInterfaceClassLib . Nodes . Add ( classLibType . ToString ( ) , classLibType . ToString ( ) , 0 ) ;
foreach ( var classType in classLibType . InterfaceClass )
TreeNode interfaceclassNode ;
if ( classType . ReferencedClassName ! = "" )
// searchAMLLibraryFile.DictioanryOfIDofInterfaceClassLibraryNodes.Add(classType.Name.ToString(), classType.ID.ToString());
referencedClassName = classType . ReferencedClassName ;
interfaceclassNode = libNode . Nodes . Add ( classType . ToString ( ) , classType . ToString ( ) + "{" + "Class:" + " " + referencedClassName + "}" , 1 ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . SearchForReferencedClassName ( doc , referencedClassName , classType ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . CheckForAttributesOfReferencedClassName ( classType ) ;
//searchAMLLibraryFile.DictioanryOfIDofInterfaceClassLibraryNodes.Add(classType.Name.ToString(), classType.ID.ToString());
interfaceclassNode = libNode . Nodes . Add ( classType . ToString ( ) , classType . ToString ( ) , 1 ) ;
if ( classType . ExternalInterface . Exists )
foreach ( var externalinterface in classType . ExternalInterface )
TreeNode externalinterfacenode ;
if ( externalinterface . BaseClass ! = null )
//searchAMLLibraryFile.DictioanryOfIDofInterfaceClassLibraryNodes.Add(classType.Name.ToString()+ externalinterface.ToString(), externalinterface.ID.ToString());
referencedClassName = externalinterface . BaseClass . ToString ( ) ;
externalinterfacenode = interfaceclassNode . Nodes . Add ( externalinterface . ToString ( ) , externalinterface . ToString ( ) + "{" + "Class:" + " " + referencedClassName + "}" , 2 ) ;
externalinterfacenode . ForeColor = SystemColors . GrayText ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . SearchForReferencedClassNameofExternalIterface ( doc , referencedClassName , classType , externalinterface ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . CheckForAttributesOfReferencedClassNameofExternalIterface ( classType , externalinterface ) ;
//searchAMLLibraryFile.DictioanryOfIDofInterfaceClassLibraryNodes.Add(classType.Name.ToString() + externalinterface.ToString(), externalinterface.ID.ToString());
externalinterfacenode = interfaceclassNode . Nodes . Add ( externalinterface . ToString ( ) , externalinterface . ToString ( ) , 2 ) ;
externalinterfacenode . ForeColor = SystemColors . GrayText ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . PrintExternalInterfaceNodes ( doc , externalinterfacenode , externalinterface , classType ) ;
searchAMLLibraryFile . PrintNodesRecursiveInInterfaceClassLib ( doc , interfaceclassNode , classType , referencedClassName ) ;
catch ( Exception )
MessageBox . Show ( "Missing names of attributes or Same atrribute sequence is repeated in the given file" , "Missing Names" , MessageBoxButtons . OKCancel , MessageBoxIcon . Warning ) ;
public void checkForAutomtionComponent ( )
foreach ( TreeNode node in treeViewRoleClassLib . Nodes )
if ( node . Nodes ! = null )
foreach ( TreeNode childNode in node . Nodes )
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
if ( childNode . Name = = "AutomationMLBaseRole" )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
autoloadGenericInformationtreeView ( childNode ) ;
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
if ( childNode . Name = = "AutomationComponent" )
autoloadGenericInformationtreeView ( childNode ) ;
int num = genericInformationDataGridView . Rows . Add ( ) ;
List < string > listofSerialNumbers = new List < string > ( ) ;
List < int > listofFinalSerialNumber = new List < int > ( ) ;
string number = "" ;
int finalNumber = 0 ;
int ultimatenumber = 0 ;
if ( genericInformationDataGridView . Rows . Count > 2 )
foreach ( DataGridViewRow row in genericInformationDataGridView . Rows )
if ( row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value = = null )
number = "0" ;
listofSerialNumbers . Add ( number ) ;
if ( row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value ! = null )
number = row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
listofSerialNumbers . Add ( number ) ;
foreach ( string str in listofSerialNumbers )
finalNumber = Convert . ToInt32 ( str ) ;
listofFinalSerialNumber . Add ( finalNumber ) ;
ultimatenumber = listofFinalSerialNumber . Max ( ) ;
genericInformationDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 0 ] . Value = + + ultimatenumber ;
genericInformationDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 0 ] . Value = 1 ;
genericInformationDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 1 ] . Value = childNode . Text . ToString ( ) ;
genericInformationDataGridView . Rows [ num ] . Cells [ 3 ] . Value = true ;
public void searchForComponentNames ( AttributeType classType )
if ( classType . Attribute . Exists )
foreach ( var attribute in classType . Attribute )
searchForComponentNames ( attribute ) ;
if ( attribute . Name = = "Manufacturer" )
if ( attribute . Value ! = null )
vendorNameTextBox . Text = attribute . Value ;
vendorNameTextBox . Text = "No Vendor Name Set" ;
if ( attribute . Name = = "Model" )
if ( attribute . Value ! = null )
deviceNameTextBox . Text = attribute . Value ;
deviceNameTextBox . Text = "No Device Name Set" ;
private void elecInterAttDataGridView_CellEndEdit ( object sender , DataGridViewCellEventArgs e )
elecInterAttDataGridView . CurrentRow . Selected = true ;
string attributeName = "" ;
string values = "" ;
string defaults = "" ;
string Units = "" ;
string datatype = "" ;
if ( elecInterAttDataGridView . Rows [ e . RowIndex ] . Cells [ e . ColumnIndex ] . Value ! = null )
if ( elecInterAttDataGridView . Rows [ e . RowIndex ] . Cells [ 0 ] . Value ! = null )
attributeName = elecInterAttDataGridView . Rows [ e . RowIndex ] . Cells [ 0 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
catch ( Exception )
{ }
if ( elecInterAttDataGridView . Rows [ e . RowIndex ] . Cells [ 1 ] . Value ! = null )
values = elecInterAttDataGridView . Rows [ e . RowIndex ] . Cells [ 1 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
catch ( Exception )
{ }
if ( elecInterAttDataGridView . Rows [ e . RowIndex ] . Cells [ 2 ] . Value ! = null )
defaults = elecInterAttDataGridView . Rows [ e . RowIndex ] . Cells [ 2 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
catch ( Exception )
{ }
if ( elecInterAttDataGridView . Rows [ e . RowIndex ] . Cells [ 3 ] . Value ! = null )
Units = elecInterAttDataGridView . Rows [ e . RowIndex ] . Cells [ 3 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
catch ( Exception )
{ }
if ( elecInterAttDataGridView . Rows [ e . RowIndex ] . Cells [ 4 ] . Value ! = null )
datatype = elecInterAttDataGridView . Rows [ e . RowIndex ] . Cells [ 4 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
catch ( Exception )
{ }
List < string > lists = new List < string > ( ) ;
DataGridViewComboBoxCell dgvcbc = ( DataGridViewComboBoxCell ) elecInterAttDataGridView . Rows [ e . RowIndex ] . Cells [ 5 ] ;
foreach ( var refsemantic in dgvcbc . Items )
if ( refsemantic ! = null )
lists . Add ( refsemantic . ToString ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception )
throw ;
//if (Convert.ToBoolean(electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView.CurrentRow.Cells[3].Value) == false)
string interfaceClass = electricalInterfacesHeaderlabel . Text ;
foreach ( var pair in device . DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces )
if ( pair . Key . ToString ( ) = = interfaceClass )
foreach ( var valueList in pair . Value )
foreach ( var item in valueList )
if ( item . Name . ToString ( ) = = attributeName )
foreach ( var pair2 in device . DictionaryForInterfaceClassesInElectricalInterfaces )
if ( pair2 . Key . ToString ( ) = = interfaceClass )
foreach ( var valueList2 in pair2 . Value )
foreach ( var item2 in valueList2 )
if ( item2 . Name . ToString ( ) = = attributeName )
item2 . RefSemanticList . Remove ( ) ;
item2 . Name = attributeName ;
item2 . Value = values ;
item2 . Default = defaults ;
item2 . Unit = Units ;
foreach ( var str in lists )
var refsems = item2 . RefSemanticList . Append ( ) ;
refsems . CorrespondingAttributePath = str ;
foreach ( var pair in device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces )
if ( pair . Key . ToString ( ) = = interfaceClass )
foreach ( var valueList in pair . Value )
foreach ( var item in valueList )
if ( item . Name . ToString ( ) = = attributeName )
/ * item . Value = values ;
item . Default = defaults ;
item . Unit = Units ;
item . Semantic = semantics ; * /
foreach ( var pair2 in device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderInterfaceClassInElectricalInterfaces )
if ( pair2 . Key . ToString ( ) = = interfaceClass )
foreach ( var valueList2 in pair2 . Value )
foreach ( var item2 in valueList2 )
if ( item2 . Name . ToString ( ) = = attributeName )
item2 . RefSemanticList . Remove ( ) ;
item2 . Name = attributeName ;
item2 . Value = values ;
item2 . Default = defaults ;
item2 . Unit = Units ;
foreach ( var str in lists )
var refsems = item2 . RefSemanticList . Append ( ) ;
refsems . CorrespondingAttributePath = str ;
elecInterAttDataGridView . CurrentRow . Selected = false ;
private void vendorNameTextBox_Leave ( object sender , EventArgs e )
foreach ( var pair in device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent )
if ( pair . Key ! = null & & pair . Key . ToString ( ) = = "(" + 1 + ")" + "AutomationComponent{Class: AutomationMLBaseRole}" )
foreach ( var valueList in pair . Value )
foreach ( var item in valueList )
if ( item . Name = = "Manufacturer" )
item . Value = vendorNameTextBox . Text ;
if ( pair . Key ! = null & & pair . Key . Contains ( "(" + 1 + ")" ) )
foreach ( var valueList in pair . Value )
foreach ( var item in valueList )
if ( item . Name = = "Manufacturer" )
item . Value = vendorNameTextBox . Text ;
private void deviceNameTextBox_Leave ( object sender , EventArgs e )
foreach ( var pair in device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent )
if ( pair . Key ! = null & & pair . Key . ToString ( ) = = "(" + 1 + ")" + "AutomationComponent{Class: AutomationMLBaseRole}" )
foreach ( var valueList in pair . Value )
foreach ( var item in valueList )
if ( item . Name = = "Model" )
item . Value = deviceNameTextBox . Text ;
if ( pair . Key ! = null & & pair . Key . Contains ( "(" + 1 + ")" ) )
foreach ( var valueList in pair . Value )
foreach ( var item in valueList )
if ( item . Name = = "Model" )
item . Value = deviceNameTextBox . Text ;
private void clearSelectedRowBtn_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( attachablesInfoDataGridView . CurrentCell ! = null )
int rowIndex = attachablesInfoDataGridView . CurrentCell . RowIndex ;
attachablesInfoDataGridView . Rows . RemoveAt ( rowIndex ) ;
catch ( Exception ) { }
private void genericParametersAttrDataGridView_CellEndEdit ( object sender , DataGridViewCellEventArgs e )
genericparametersAttrDataGridView . CurrentRow . Selected = true ;
string attributeName = "" ;
string values = "" ;
string defaults = "" ;
string Units = "" ;
string datatype = "" ;
if ( genericparametersAttrDataGridView . Rows [ e . RowIndex ] . Cells [ e . ColumnIndex ] . Value ! = null )
if ( genericparametersAttrDataGridView . Rows [ e . RowIndex ] . Cells [ 0 ] . Value ! = null )
attributeName = genericparametersAttrDataGridView . Rows [ e . RowIndex ] . Cells [ 0 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
catch ( Exception )
{ }
if ( genericparametersAttrDataGridView . Rows [ e . RowIndex ] . Cells [ 1 ] . Value ! = null )
values = genericparametersAttrDataGridView . Rows [ e . RowIndex ] . Cells [ 1 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
catch ( Exception )
{ }
if ( genericparametersAttrDataGridView . Rows [ e . RowIndex ] . Cells [ 2 ] . Value ! = null )
defaults = genericparametersAttrDataGridView . Rows [ e . RowIndex ] . Cells [ 2 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
catch ( Exception )
{ }
if ( genericparametersAttrDataGridView . Rows [ e . RowIndex ] . Cells [ 3 ] . Value ! = null )
Units = genericparametersAttrDataGridView . Rows [ e . RowIndex ] . Cells [ 3 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
catch ( Exception )
{ }
if ( genericparametersAttrDataGridView . Rows [ e . RowIndex ] . Cells [ 4 ] . Value ! = null )
datatype = genericparametersAttrDataGridView . Rows [ e . RowIndex ] . Cells [ 4 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
catch ( Exception )
{ }
List < string > lists = new List < string > ( ) ;
DataGridViewComboBoxCell dgvcbc = ( DataGridViewComboBoxCell ) genericparametersAttrDataGridView . Rows [ e . RowIndex ] . Cells [ 5 ] ;
foreach ( var refsemantic in dgvcbc . Items )
if ( refsemantic ! = null )
lists . Add ( refsemantic . ToString ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception )
throw ;
/* string semantics = genericparametersAttrDataGridView.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[5].Value.ToString();*/
//if (Convert.ToBoolean(electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView.CurrentRow.Cells[3].Value) == false)
string interfaceClass = genericDataHeaderLabel . Text ;
foreach ( var pair in device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent )
if ( pair . Key . ToString ( ) = = interfaceClass )
foreach ( var valueList in pair . Value )
foreach ( var item in valueList )
if ( item . Name . ToString ( ) = = attributeName )
foreach ( var pair2 in device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent )
if ( pair2 . Key . ToString ( ) = = interfaceClass )
foreach ( var valueList2 in pair2 . Value )
foreach ( var item2 in valueList2 )
if ( item2 . Name . ToString ( ) = = attributeName )
item2 . RefSemanticList . Remove ( ) ;
item2 . Name = attributeName ;
item2 . Value = values ;
item2 . Default = defaults ;
item2 . Unit = Units ;
foreach ( var str in lists )
var refsems = item2 . RefSemanticList . Append ( ) ;
refsems . CorrespondingAttributePath = str ;
foreach ( var pair in device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderRoleClassofComponent )
if ( pair . Key . ToString ( ) = = interfaceClass )
foreach ( var valueList in pair . Value )
foreach ( var item in valueList )
if ( item . Name . ToString ( ) = = attributeName )
/ * item . Value = values ;
item . Default = defaults ;
item . Unit = Units ;
item . Semantic = semantics ; * /
foreach ( var pair2 in device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderRoleClassofComponent )
if ( pair2 . Key . ToString ( ) = = interfaceClass )
foreach ( var valueList2 in pair2 . Value )
foreach ( var item2 in valueList2 )
if ( item2 . Name . ToString ( ) = = attributeName )
item2 . RefSemanticList . Remove ( ) ;
item2 . Name = attributeName ;
item2 . Value = values ;
item2 . Default = defaults ;
item2 . Unit = Units ;
foreach ( var str in lists )
var refsems = item2 . RefSemanticList . Append ( ) ;
refsems . CorrespondingAttributePath = str ;
genericparametersAttrDataGridView . CurrentRow . Selected = false ;
private void electricalInterfacesCollectionDataGridView_CellContentClick ( object sender , DataGridViewCellEventArgs e )
return ;
private void vendorNameTextBox_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
vendorNameTextBox_Leave ( sender , e ) ;
foreach ( DataGridViewRow row in genericInformationDataGridView . Rows )
if ( row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value ! = null )
if ( row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value . ToString ( ) = = "1" & & row . Cells [ 1 ] . Value . ToString ( ) = = "AutomationComponent{Class: AutomationMLBaseRole}" )
string SRCSerialNumber = row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
string SRC = row . Cells [ 1 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
foreach ( var pair in searchAMLLibraryFile . DictionaryForRoleClassInstanceAttributes )
if ( pair . Key . ToString ( ) = = SRC )
if ( device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . ContainsKey ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC ) )
device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . Remove ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC ) ;
device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . Add ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC , pair . Value ) ;
device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . Add ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC , pair . Value ) ;
genericInformationtreeView . Nodes . Clear ( ) ;
TreeNode parentNode = genericInformationtreeView . Nodes . Add ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC ,
"(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC , 2 ) ;
autoloadGenericInformationtreeView ( parentNode ) ;
catch ( Exception )
throw ;
else if ( row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value . ToString ( ) = = "1" & & row . Cells [ 1 ] . Value . ToString ( ) = = "(1)AutomationMLComponentStandardRCL/AutomationComponent" )
string SRCSerialNumber = row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
string SRC = row . Cells [ 1 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
foreach ( var pair in searchAMLComponentFile . DictionaryofRolesforAutomationComponenet )
if ( pair . Key . ToString ( ) = = SRC )
if ( device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . ContainsKey ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC ) )
device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . Remove ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC ) ;
device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . Add ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC , pair . Value ) ;
device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . Add ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC , pair . Value ) ;
genericInformationtreeView . Nodes . Clear ( ) ;
TreeNode parentNode = genericInformationtreeView . Nodes . Add ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC ,
"(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC , 2 ) ;
autoloadGenericInformationtreeView ( parentNode ) ;
catch ( Exception )
throw ;
private void deviceNameTextBox_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
deviceNameTextBox_Leave ( sender , e ) ;
foreach ( DataGridViewRow row in genericInformationDataGridView . Rows )
if ( row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value ! = null )
if ( row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value . ToString ( ) = = "1" & & row . Cells [ 1 ] . Value . ToString ( ) = = "AutomationComponent{Class: AutomationMLBaseRole}" )
string SRCSerialNumber = row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
string SRC = row . Cells [ 1 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
foreach ( var pair in searchAMLLibraryFile . DictionaryForRoleClassInstanceAttributes )
if ( pair . Key . ToString ( ) = = SRC )
if ( device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . ContainsKey ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC ) )
device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . Remove ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC ) ;
device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . Add ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC , pair . Value ) ;
device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . Add ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC , pair . Value ) ;
genericInformationtreeView . Nodes . Clear ( ) ;
TreeNode parentNode = genericInformationtreeView . Nodes . Add ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC ,
"(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC , 2 ) ;
autoloadGenericInformationtreeView ( parentNode ) ;
catch ( Exception )
throw ;
2022-04-01 08:43:18 +00:00
else if ( row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value . ToString ( ) = = "1" & & row . Cells [ 1 ] . Value . ToString ( ) = = "(1)AutomationMLComponentStandardRCL/AutomationComponent" )
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00
string SRCSerialNumber = row . Cells [ 0 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
string SRC = row . Cells [ 1 ] . Value . ToString ( ) ;
foreach ( var pair in searchAMLComponentFile . DictionaryofRolesforAutomationComponenet )
if ( pair . Key . ToString ( ) = = SRC )
if ( device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . ContainsKey ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC ) )
device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . Remove ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC ) ;
device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . Add ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC , pair . Value ) ;
device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . Add ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC , pair . Value ) ;
genericInformationtreeView . Nodes . Clear ( ) ;
TreeNode parentNode = genericInformationtreeView . Nodes . Add ( "(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC ,
"(" + SRCSerialNumber + ")" + SRC , 2 ) ;
autoloadGenericInformationtreeView ( parentNode ) ;
catch ( Exception )
throw ;
2022-04-07 06:31:06 +00:00
private void advancedModeToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Switch mode
expertMode = ! expertMode ;
// Change text
if ( expertMode )
this . advancedModeToolStripMenuItem . Text = "Easy mode" ;
2022-05-06 06:34:22 +00:00
this . advancedModeToolStripMenuItem . Text = "Advanced mode" ;
2022-04-07 06:31:06 +00:00
// Show/hide elements
this . ShowHideElements ( ) ;
private void ShowHideElements ( )
genericparametersAttrDataGridView . Columns [ 2 ] . Visible = expertMode ;
genericparametersAttrDataGridView . Columns [ 3 ] . Visible = expertMode ;
genericparametersAttrDataGridView . Columns [ 4 ] . Visible = expertMode ;
genericparametersAttrDataGridView . Columns [ 5 ] . Visible = expertMode ;
elecInterAttDataGridView . Columns [ 2 ] . Visible = expertMode ;
elecInterAttDataGridView . Columns [ 3 ] . Visible = expertMode ;
elecInterAttDataGridView . Columns [ 4 ] . Visible = expertMode ;
elecInterAttDataGridView . Columns [ 5 ] . Visible = expertMode ;
2022-04-07 07:33:56 +00:00
private void deleteRoleClassButton_Click_1 ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( genericInformationDataGridView . CurrentCell ! = null )
int rowIndex = genericInformationDataGridView . CurrentCell . RowIndex ;
genericInformationDataGridView . CurrentRow . Selected = true ;
DataGridViewCell dataGridCell0 = genericInformationDataGridView . Rows [ rowIndex ] . Cells [ 0 ] ;
DataGridViewCell dataGridCell1 = genericInformationDataGridView . Rows [ rowIndex ] . Cells [ 1 ] ;
if ( dataGridCell0 . Value ! = null & & dataGridCell1 . Value ! = null )
string interfaceSerialNumber = dataGridCell0 . Value . ToString ( ) ;
string interfaceClass = dataGridCell1 . Value . ToString ( ) ;
if ( device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . ContainsKey ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass ) )
device . DictionaryForRoleClassofComponent . Remove ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + interfaceClass ) ;
catch ( Exception )
throw ;
foreach ( var pair in searchAMLLibraryFile . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesInstancesAttributesOfRoleClassLib )
if ( pair . Key . Contains ( interfaceClass ) )
if ( device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderRoleClassofComponent . ContainsKey ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + pair . Key . ToString ( ) ) )
device . DictionaryForExternalInterfacesUnderRoleClassofComponent . Remove ( "(" + interfaceSerialNumber + ")" + pair . Key . ToString ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception )
throw ;
genericInformationDataGridView . Rows . RemoveAt ( rowIndex ) ;
catch ( Exception ) { }
2022-04-25 21:58:30 +00:00
private void caexVersionFileToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Switch mode
useCaex2_15 = ! useCaex2_15 ;
// Change text
if ( useCaex2_15 )
this . caexVersionFileToolStripMenuItem . Text = "Use CAEX 3.0 File" ;
this . caexVersionFileToolStripMenuItem . Text = "Use CAEX 2.15 File" ;
2022-03-11 16:13:30 +00:00