This class reads the library file loaded in to the plugin "Role Class Library TreeView" and "Interface Class Library TreeView"
+ More...
+ |
+ | SearchAMLLibraryFile () |
+ | This is the constructor of this class where all properties are intitialised to there early state More...
+ |
+void | SearchForReferencedClassName (CAEXDocument doc, string referencedClassName, InterfaceFamilyType classType) |
+ | This method is responsible to iterate over "Interafce Class Libraries & Interafce Classes in it", and strore attributes of "Referenced Class Name" in the dictionary. More...
+ |
+void | SearchForInterfaceClassesInsideInterfaceClass (CAEXDocument doc, string referencedClassName, InterfaceFamilyType classType, InterfaceFamilyType classTypeSearchForReferencedClassName) |
+ | This class is responsible to search for interface classes ´nested inside Interface classes and recursion of this interface classes. More...
+ |
+void | CheckForAttributesOfReferencedClassName (InterfaceFamilyType classType) |
+ |
+void | CkeckForNestedAttributesOfReferencedClassName (AttributeType attributeType, InterfaceFamilyType classType) |
+ |
+void | CheckForAttributesOfReferencedClassName (InterfaceFamilyType classTypeSearchForReferencedClassName, InterfaceFamilyType classType) |
+ | This method search for "Attributes" of "referenced Class name". More...
+ |
+void | CkeckForNestedAttributesOfReferencedClassName (InterfaceFamilyType classTypeSearchForReferencedClassName, AttributeType attributeType, InterfaceFamilyType classType) |
+ | This method is responsible to check nested attributes of "Referenced Class Name" More...
+ |
+void | StoreEachAttributeValueInListOfReferencedClassName (List< List< ClassOfListsFromReferencefile >> list, InterfaceFamilyType classType, AttributeType attributeType) |
+ | This the method that stores Attribute values of "Referened Class name" of "Interface Class" in the dictionary. More...
+ |
+void | StoreEachAttributeValueInListOfReferencedClassName (List< List< ClassOfListsFromReferencefile >> list, AttributeType AttributeInAttribute, InterfaceFamilyType classType, AttributeType attributeType) |
+ | This method store nested attributes of each attribute of "Referenced CLASS name" in the dictionary. More...
+ |
+void | SearchForReferencedClassNameofExternalIterface (CAEXDocument doc, string referencedClassName, InterfaceFamilyType classType, ExternalInterfaceType externalInterface) |
+ | //This method search for "Referenced Class" of "External Interface" More...
+ |
+void | SearchForInterfaceClassesInsideInterfaceClassofExternalIterface (CAEXDocument doc, string referencedClassName, InterfaceFamilyType classType, InterfaceFamilyType classTypeSearchForReferencedClassName, ExternalInterfaceType externalInterface) |
+ | This method search for "Interface Classes" inside "Interface Classes" More...
+ |
+void | CheckForAttributesOfReferencedClassNameofExternalIterface (InterfaceFamilyType classType, ExternalInterfaceType externalInterface) |
+ | This method is responsible to Check "attributes" of "Referenced Class Name" More...
+ |
+void | CkeckForNestedAttributesOfReferencedClassNameofExternalIterface (AttributeType attributeType, InterfaceFamilyType classType, ExternalInterfaceType externalInterface) |
+ | This method is responsible to check "Nested ATtributes" of "External Interface's Attribute " More...
+ |
+void | CheckForAttributesOfReferencedClassNameofExternalIterface (InterfaceFamilyType classTypeSearchForReferencedClassName, InterfaceFamilyType classType, ExternalInterfaceType externalInterface) |
+ | This method is responsible to check "attributes" OF "Refrenced Class Name" of "ExternalInterface" More...
+ |
+void | CkeckForNestedAttributesOfReferencedClassNameofExternalIterface (InterfaceFamilyType classTypeSearchForReferencedClassName, AttributeType attributeType, InterfaceFamilyType classType, ExternalInterfaceType externalInterface) |
+ | This method is responsible to check the "Nested Attributes" of "Attributes" of"Interface Class's External interafce" More...
+ |
+void | StoreEachAttributeValueInListOfReferencedClassNameofExternalIterface (List< List< ClassOfListsFromReferencefile >> list, InterfaceFamilyType classType, AttributeType attributeType, ExternalInterfaceType externalInterface) |
+ | This method store each "Attribute value" into respective dictionary More...
+ |
+void | StoreEachAttributeValueInListOfReferencedClassNameofExternalIterface (List< List< ClassOfListsFromReferencefile >> list, AttributeType AttributeInAttribute, InterfaceFamilyType classType, AttributeType attributeType, ExternalInterfaceType externalInterface) |
+ | This method stores "Attributes" of "Referenced Class's External Interface" More...
+ |
+void | SearchForReferencedClassName (CAEXDocument doc, string referencedClassName, RoleFamilyType classType) |
+ | This function is responsible for checking whole document for the "Referenced Class Name": Note:- This function is a recursion function, which conduct many iterations in the document. More...
+ |
+void | CheckForAttributesOfReferencedClassName (RoleFamilyType classTypeSearchForReferencedClassName, RoleFamilyType classType) |
+ | This method is responsible for checking "Attributes" under "Referenced Class Name" More...
+ |
+void | CkeckForNestedAttributesOfReferencedClassName (RoleFamilyType classTypeSearchForReferencedClassName, AttributeType attributeType, RoleFamilyType classType) |
+ | This method check for nested attributes under attributes of "Referenced Class Name" More...
+ |
+void | StoreEachAttributeValueInListOfReferencedClassName (List< List< ClassOfListsFromReferencefile >> list, RoleFamilyType classType, AttributeType attributeType) |
+ | This fuunction stores "Attributes" of "Referenced Class Name" in the dictionary "DictionaryForRoleClassInstanceAttributes" More...
+ |
+void | StoreEachAttributeValueInListOfReferencedClassName (List< List< ClassOfListsFromReferencefile >> list, AttributeType AttributeInAttribute, RoleFamilyType classType, AttributeType attributeType) |
+ | This method is responsible to store "Nested Attributes" under "Attributes" of "Referenced Class Name" More...
+ |
+void | CheckForAttributesOfReferencedClassNameofExternalIterface (RoleFamilyType classType, ExternalInterfaceType externalInterface) |
+ | This Function is responsible to search attributes under the "Referenced Classs Name" i.e. More...
+ |
+void | CkeckForNestedAttributesOfReferencedClassNameofExternalIterface (AttributeType attributeType, RoleFamilyType classType, ExternalInterfaceType externalInterface) |
+ | This function is responsible for checking "nested attributes" under "attributes" of the "External Interface" More...
+ |
+void | CheckForAttributesOfReferencedClassNameofExternalIterface (RoleFamilyType classTypeSearchForReferencedClassName, RoleFamilyType classType, ExternalInterfaceType externalInterface) |
+ | This function is responsible to check and store "Attributes" under "External Interface" of "Referenced Class Name" of "Role Class" More...
+ |
+void | CkeckForNestedAttributesOfReferencedClassNameofExternalIterface (RoleFamilyType classTypeSearchForReferencedClassName, AttributeType attributeType, RoleFamilyType classType, ExternalInterfaceType externalInterface) |
+ | This function is responsible to check "attribute" under "attributes" i.e. More...
+ |
+void | StoreEachAttributeValueInListOfReferencedClassNameofExternalIterface (List< List< ClassOfListsFromReferencefile >> list, RoleFamilyType classType, AttributeType attributeType, ExternalInterfaceType externalInterface) |
+ | This method is responsible to store each attribute value of "Referenced Class Name" of "External Interface" of Role Class. More...
+ |
+void | StoreEachAttributeValueInListOfReferencedClassNameofExternalIterface (List< List< ClassOfListsFromReferencefile >> list, AttributeType AttributeInAttribute, RoleFamilyType classType, AttributeType attributeType, ExternalInterfaceType externalInterface) |
+ | This method stores the nested attributes in "DictionaryForExternalInterfacesInstancesAttributesOfRoleClassLib" More...
+ |
+void | SearchForReferencedClassNameofExternalIterface (CAEXDocument doc, string referencedClassName, RoleFamilyType classType, ExternalInterfaceType externalInterface) |
+ | This method is responsible to check for "Referenced Class Name" of "External Interfaces" under the "Role Class" This method is a recursive method, that looks for the "Referenced Class Name" of the "Extenal Interface" under "Role Class" More...
+ |
+void | SearchForInterfaceClassesInsideInterfaceClass (CAEXDocument doc, string referencedClassName, RoleFamilyType classType, RoleFamilyType classTypeSearchForReferencedClassName) |
+ | This method searches "Role Classes" under "Referenced Class Name" More...
+ |
+void | SearchForInterfaceClassesInsideInterfaceClassofExternalIterface (CAEXDocument doc, string referencedClassName, RoleFamilyType classType, RoleFamilyType classTypeSearchForReferencedClassName, ExternalInterfaceType externalInterface) |
+ | This method is a recursive method, which checks for "Refernced Class Name" under role class under role class More...
+ |
+void | CheckForAttributesOfReferencedClassName (RoleFamilyType classType) |
+ | This method is responsible for checking attributes under "Referenced Class Name" More...
+ |
+void | CkeckForNestedAttributesOfReferencedClassName (AttributeType attributeType, RoleFamilyType classType) |
+ | This method check for "nested attributes" of "referenced class name" More...
+ |
+void | PrintNodesRecursiveInRoleClassLib (CAEXDocument document, TreeNode oParentNode, RoleFamilyType classType, string referencedclassName) |
+ | This method takes arguments "TreeNode" and "RoleFamilyType" to print tree nodes in "Role Class Library TreeView " in Plugin. More...
+ |
+void | PrintNodesRecursiveInInterfaceClassLib (CAEXDocument document, TreeNode oParentNode, InterfaceFamilyType classType, string referencedclassName) |
+ | This method Takes parameters "TreeNode" and "InterfaceFamilyType" to print tree nodes in "Interface Class Library TreeView " in Plugin. More...
+ |
+void | PrintExternalInterfaceNodes (CAEXDocument document, TreeNode oParentNode, ExternalInterfaceType classType, InterfaceFamilyType InterafceclassType) |
+ | This method is called to print "External Interfaces" in both "Role class Library and Interface Class Library" in the plugin. More...
+ |
+void | PrintExternalInterfaceNodes (CAEXDocument document, TreeNode oParentNode, ExternalInterfaceType classType, RoleFamilyType RoleclassType) |
+ | This method is called to print "External Interfaces" in both "Role class Library and Interface Class Library" in the plugin. More...
+ |
This class reads the library file loaded in to the plugin "Role Class Library TreeView" and "Interface Class Library TreeView"