Modeling Wizard Plugin for AutomationML Editor  Version1.0.0.1
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CAml.Editor.Plugin.ElectricalParameters/The following classes are parameter holders for Electrical Interfaces
 CAml.Editor.Plugin.ModellingWizardModellingWizard is an PlugIn, which implements the IAMLEditorView Interface
 CAml.Editor.Plugin.MWControllerThis class passes the inputs of the GUIs to MWData where needed and it is in controll of what is displayed at the screen
 CAml.Editor.Plugin.SearchAMLLibraryFileThis class reads the library file loaded in to the plugin "Role Class Library TreeView" and "Interface Class Library TreeView"
 CAml.Editor.Plugin.ModellingWizardModellingWizard is an PlugIn, which implements the IAMLEditorView Interface
 CAml.Editor.Plugin.AboutInteraction logic for About.xaml