▼NAml | |
▼NEditor | |
▼NPlugin | |
CAbout | Interaction logic for About.xaml |
CAnimationClass | |
CAttachablesDataGridViewParameters | |
CAutomationMLDataTables | |
CClassOfListsFromDataGridViews | |
CClassOfListsFromReferencefile | |
CDataGridParameters | |
CDeviceDescription | |
CElectricalInterfaceParameters | |
CElectricalParameters | /The following classes are parameter holders for Electrical Interfaces |
CElectricalParametersInElectricalDataDataGridView | |
CModellingWizard | ModellingWizard is an PlugIn, which implements the IAMLEditorView Interface |
CMWController | This class passes the inputs of the GUIs to MWData where needed and it is in controll of what is displayed at the screen |
▼CMWData | |
CMWObject | |
CMWDevice | |
CPinParametersInPinInfoDataGridView | |
CSearchAMLComponentFile | |
CSearchAMLLibraryFile | This class reads the library file loaded in to the plugin "Role Class Library TreeView" and "Interface Class Library TreeView" |