diff --git a/6.-User-Manual.md b/6.-User-Manual.md
index 4718cd1..234648e 100644
--- a/6.-User-Manual.md
+++ b/6.-User-Manual.md
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-##### Table of Contents
+ ##### Table of Contents
+* [Note] (#Note)
* [1\. Introduction](#Intro)
* [1.1 Overview](#Overview)
* [1.2 Glossar](#Glossar)
@@ -21,18 +22,19 @@
| Version | Date | Author | Comment |
| ------------- |-------------|-------------|-------------|
-| V0.1 | 17.04 | Tobias Roth | created |
-| V0.2 | 25.04 | Tobias Roth | fill document |
-| V0.3 | 07.05 | Tobias Roth | continue document |
-| V0.4 | 12.05 | Tobias Roth | finish document |
-| V1.0 | 20.05 | Tobias Roth | final document |
+| V0.1 | 19.03.2022 | Florian Kellermann | created |
+Since most of the functionality has not been changed in comparison to the old version the user manual has similarities of some sorts. The main changes, as described in the SAS, SRS and CRS happened in the program now being a standalone application.
# 1. Introduction
## 1.1 Overview
-Our main tasks were to improve the usability of the creation of AutomationML devices and interfaces, therefore this User Manual specifically targets these functions of the Modelling Wizard for Device Descriptions plugin.
-Precisely, the intention of the User Manual is to explain the usage of the Modelling Wizard plugin. It is written that also inexperienced users can understand how to use the plugin. It contains an instruction on how to install the Modelling Wizard plugin, how to generally use the User Interface and how to import and export files that are part of the AML Package.
+As said before the main task was to convert the plugin into a standalone application. Changes have also been made to improve the general usability of the program as described in this User Manual.
+The purpose of the user manual is to explain how to use the Modeling Wizard program. It writes that even novice users can understand how to use the standalone app. It includes instructions for installing the program, using the general interface, and importing and exporting files.
## 1.2 Glossar
**AML** Automation mark-up language is an open standard data format for storing and exchanging plant planning data.
@@ -176,7 +178,7 @@ When you are not able to finish the installation with this guide because problem
This chapter explains how to use the user interface of the Modelling Wizard.
In the plugin, you have three different tabs that contain information. The function of each tab and its possibilites will be explained in its own subsection.
General information of the device that will be created, is stored under the ["**Generic Data**"](#GenericData) tab.
In the ["**Interfaces**"](#Interfaces) you have the option to add interfaces to define detailed information about the device.
@@ -303,8 +305,10 @@ and
**Master Student Raj Kumar Pulaparthi, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg**
**TINF19C DHBW Stuttgart**
-This plugin was created as a group project in the class "Software Engineering".
-Later this plugin was developed as a sample tool that create vendor independent automation component, and included as a part of Master Thesis.
+**TINF20C DHBW Stuttgart**
+This plugin was created as a group project in the "Software Engineering" class.
The MIT License (MIT)
@@ -317,4 +321,4 @@ The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all c
**© TINF19C DHBW Stuttgart 2021**
This plugin uses third-party software for the convertions of IODD and GSDML. All rights are reserved by the corresponding copyright owner.
-Author: Tobias Roth
+Author: Florian Kellermann