2022-05-10 17:44:45 +02:00
script for helper functions for bot related stuff
__author__ = " Florian Kellermann, Linus Eickhoff "
__date__ = " 10.05.2022 "
2022-05-11 23:33:48 +02:00
__version__ = " 1.0.0 "
2022-05-10 17:44:45 +02:00
__license__ = " None "
2022-05-11 23:33:48 +02:00
2022-05-10 18:43:41 +02:00
def contains_markdownv1_symbols ( text ) :
2022-05-10 17:44:45 +02:00
""" checks if text contains markdown symbols
: type text : string
: param text : text to check
: return : true if text contains markdown symbols
: rtype : bool
2022-05-11 23:33:48 +02:00
if text . find ( " _ " ) != - 1 or text . find ( " * " ) != - 1 or text . find ( " ` " ) != - 1 : # check if text contains relevant markdown symbols
2022-05-10 17:44:45 +02:00
return True
2022-05-11 23:33:48 +02:00
2022-05-10 17:44:45 +02:00
return False
2022-05-11 23:33:48 +02:00
def make_markdown_proof ( text ) : # used to avoid errors related to markdown parsemode for telegram messaging
2022-05-10 17:44:45 +02:00
""" makes text markdown proof
: type text : string
: param text : text to make markdown proof
: return : markdown proof text
: rtype : string
2022-05-10 19:16:44 +02:00
text = str ( text )
2022-05-10 19:19:40 +02:00
2022-05-11 23:33:48 +02:00
text = text . replace ( " _ " , " \\ _ " ) # replace _ with \_ because \ is used as escape character in markdown, double escape is needed because \ is also a escape character in strings
2022-05-10 17:44:45 +02:00
text = text . replace ( " * " , " \\ * " )
text = text . replace ( " ` " , " \\ ` " )
2022-05-10 18:43:41 +02:00
text = text . replace ( " [ " , " \\ [ " )
text = text . replace ( " ] " , " \\ ] " )
text = text . replace ( " ( " , " \\ ( " )
text = text . replace ( " ) " , " \\ ) " )
text = text . replace ( " # " , " \\ # " )
text = text . replace ( " + " , " \\ + " )
text = text . replace ( " - " , " \\ - " )
text = text . replace ( " ! " , " \\ ! " )
text = text . replace ( " . " , " \\ . " )
text = text . replace ( " ? " , " \\ ? " )
text = text . replace ( " / " , " \\ / " )
text = text . replace ( " ~ " , " \\ ~ " )
text = text . replace ( " | " , " \\ | " )
text = text . replace ( " < " , " \\ < " )
text = text . replace ( " > " , " \\ > " )
text = text . replace ( " & " , " \\ & " )
text = text . replace ( " ^ " , " \\ ^ " )
text = text . replace ( " $ " , " \\ $ " )
text = text . replace ( " % " , " \\ % " )
2022-05-12 09:28:37 +02:00
text = text . replace ( " = " , " \\ = " )
text = text . replace ( " @ " , " \\ @ " )
2022-05-10 18:43:41 +02:00
2022-05-10 17:44:45 +02:00
return text
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
2022-05-10 18:22:03 +02:00
print ( " this is a module for helper functions for the bot and should not be run directly " )
print ( make_markdown_proof ( " _test_ " ) )
text = make_markdown_proof ( " _test_ " )
2022-05-11 23:33:48 +02:00
print ( f " { text } " )