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-10,5 +10,8 @@ RUN pip install -r requirements.txt --src /usr/local/src --no-warn-script-locati # Copy the source code to the working directory COPY telegram_bot /srv/flask_app -# Run the application -CMD ["/usr/local/bin/python", "bot.py"] +# Change file permissions +RUN chmod +x ./deploy/start.sh + +# Run the app +CMD ["./deploy/start.sh"] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/telegram_bot/Dockerfile.updates b/telegram_bot/Dockerfile.updates deleted file mode 100644 index 0f7e630..0000000 --- a/telegram_bot/Dockerfile.updates +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -FROM python:3.10-slim - -# Change the working directory to the root of the project -WORKDIR /srv/flask_app - -# Install the dependencies -COPY telegram_bot/requirements.txt /srv/flask_app/ -RUN pip install -r requirements.txt --src /usr/local/src --no-warn-script-location - -# Copy the source code to the working directory -COPY telegram_bot /srv/flask_app - -# Run the application -CMD ["/usr/local/bin/python", "bot_updates.py"] diff --git a/telegram_bot/api_handling/api_handler.py b/telegram_bot/api_handling/api_handler.py index 181fd71..35aef19 100644 --- a/telegram_bot/api_handling/api_handler.py +++ b/telegram_bot/api_handling/api_handler.py @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ script for communicating with webservice to get data from database """ __author__ = "Florian Kellermann, Linus Eickhoff" -__date__ = "16.03.2022" -__version__ = "0.0.1" +__date__ = "26.04.2022" +__version__ = "1.0.1" __license__ = "None" #side-dependencies: none @@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ import sys import os import requests as r from croniter import croniter # used for checking cron formatting +from dotenv import load_dotenv + +load_dotenv() # loads environment vars # note: for more information about the api visit swagger documentation on https://gruppe1.testsites.info/api/docs#/ @@ -287,6 +290,7 @@ class API_Handler: int: status code """ with r.Session() as s: + time = time[:-3] + "Z" # remove last character and add Z to make it a valid date for db headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + self.token + ":" + str(user_id)} transaction = {"comment": str(comment), "count": float(count), "isin": str(isin), "price": float(price), "time": str(time)} # set transaction as JSON with all the attributes needed according to Swagger docs req = s.post(self.db_adress + "/transaction", json=transaction, headers=headers) @@ -340,21 +344,21 @@ class API_Handler: Args: email (string): email of the user - is_admin (String): "true" if user should be Admin, "false" if not + is_admin (bool): "true" if user should be Admin, "false" if not Returns: int: status code """ with r.Session() as s: headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + self.token} # only bot token is needed, user is chosen by email - req = s.put(self.db_adress + "/user/setAdmin", json={"admin": str(is_admin),"email": str(email)}) + req = s.put(self.db_adress + "/user/setAdmin", json={"admin": is_admin,"email": str(email)}, headers=headers) return req.status_code if __name__ == "__main__": # editable, just for basic on the go testing of new functions print("This is a module for the telegram bot. It is not intended to be run directly.") - handler = API_Handler("https://gruppe1.testsites.info/api", "bot@example.com", "bot") + handler = API_Handler("https://gruppe1.testsites.info/api", str(os.getenv("BOT_EMAIL")), str(os.getenv("BOT_PASSWORD"))) # get creds from env print(handler.token) keywords = handler.get_user_keywords(user_id = 1709356058) #user_id here is currently mine (Linus) print(keywords) diff --git a/telegram_bot/bot.py b/telegram_bot/bot.py index f5c3bef..346a610 100644 --- a/telegram_bot/bot.py +++ b/telegram_bot/bot.py @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ script for telegram bot and its functions """ __author__ = "Florian Kellermann, Linus Eickhoff" -__date__ = "11.03.2022" -__version__ = "0.0.4" +__date__ = "26.04.2022" +__version__ = "1.2.2" __license__ = "None" # side-dependencies: none @@ -14,13 +14,11 @@ __license__ = "None" # API Documentation https://core.telegram.org/bots/api # Code examples https://github.com/eternnoir/pyTelegramBotAPI#getting-started -import email import os import telebot import sys import logging -import json import re import news.news_fetcher as news @@ -118,7 +116,7 @@ def send_all_users(message): bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text=f'Username: {username}\nEmail: {email}\nID: {id}\nCron: {cron}\nAdmin: {admin}') # format user data into readable message text -@bot.message_handler(commands=['setAdmin', 'SetAdmin']) # set admin rights to user TBD: not working!! +@bot.message_handler(commands=['setAdmin', 'SetAdmin', 'setadmin', 'Setadmin']) # set admin rights to user TBD: not working!! def set_admin(message): """ Set admin rights to user @@ -136,7 +134,7 @@ def set_admin(message): bot.reply_to(message, "You have to be an admin to use this command") return - bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text='send email and "true" if this account should have admin rights, else "false"\n in format: ,') # ask for email and admin rights to set + bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text='send email and true if this account should have admin rights, else false\n in format: ,') # request email and admin rights to change to bot.register_next_step_handler(message, set_admin_step) def set_admin_step(message): @@ -149,7 +147,11 @@ def set_admin_step(message): return email = args_message[0] - is_admin = args_message[1] + is_admin = False # default: False + + if args_message[1].lower() == "true": # if user types true, set is_admin to true + is_admin = True + status = api_handler.set_admin(email, is_admin) # set admin in db if(status == 200): @@ -278,7 +280,7 @@ def send_share_update(message): def send_share_price(message): str_share_price = share_fetcher.get_share_price(str(message.text)) - bot.reply_to(message, str_share_price) + bot.reply_to(message, str_share_price) # add dollar symbol etc. @bot.message_handler(commands=['allnews', 'Allnews']) # /allnews -> get all news @@ -479,8 +481,8 @@ def set_new_transaction_step(message): amount = float(transaction_data[2]) price = float(transaction_data[3]) time = dt.datetime.now().isoformat() - #print("\n\n\n\n\n") - #print(f"{symbol},{amount},{price},{time}") + print("\n\n\n\n\n") + print(f"{isin},{amount},{price},{time}") status = api_handler.set_transaction(user_id, desc, isin, amount, price, time) if status == 200: diff --git a/telegram_bot/bot_updates.py b/telegram_bot/bot_updates.py index 3bca738..f48a824 100644 --- a/telegram_bot/bot_updates.py +++ b/telegram_bot/bot_updates.py @@ -2,21 +2,16 @@ script for regularly sending updates on shares and news based on user interval """ __author__ = "Florian Kellermann, Linus Eickhoff" -__date__ = "05.04.2022" -__version__ = "1.0.1" +__date__ = "26.04.2022" +__version__ = "1.0.2" __license__ = "None" -from calendar import month -from symtable import Symbol from dotenv import load_dotenv -from shares.share_fetcher import get_share_price import news.news_fetcher as news_fetcher import time -import datetime import os from bot import bot import sys -from multiprocessing import Process from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler from api_handling.api_handler import API_Handler @@ -153,9 +148,16 @@ def update_for_user(p_user_id, p_my_handler): if(keywords): # if keywords exist and array is not empty send_to_user("If you haven't read yet: \nHere are some interesting news according to your keywords:", pUser_id=p_user_id) for keyword in keywords: - news = news_fetcher.get_top_news_by_keyword(keyword)["articles"][0] # only use the most popular news - news_formatted = news_fetcher.format_article(news) # format for message - send_to_user(f"_keyword: {keyword}_\n\n{news_formatted}", pUser_id=p_user_id, md_mode=True) # send news with related keyword in Markdown + news = news_fetcher.get_top_news_by_keyword(keyword)["articles"] + + if not news: # if empty news array + send_to_user(f"No news found for keyword _{keyword}_.", pUser_id=p_user_id, md_mode=True) + + if news == None: # if news is none + send_to_user(f"Server error for keyword _{keyword}_.", pUser_id=p_user_id, md_mode=True) + else: + news_formatted = news_fetcher.format_article(news[0]) # format for message, only use the most popular article + send_to_user(f"_keyword: {keyword}_\n\n{news_formatted}", pUser_id=p_user_id, md_mode=True) # send news with related keyword in Markdown diff --git a/telegram_bot/deploy/start.sh b/telegram_bot/deploy/start.sh index 232326f..75c6e21 100644 --- a/telegram_bot/deploy/start.sh +++ b/telegram_bot/deploy/start.sh @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ #!/usr/bin/env sh -python bot.py \ No newline at end of file +python bot.py & +python bot_updates.py \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/telegram_bot/news/news_fetcher.py b/telegram_bot/news/news_fetcher.py index a6dad7e..bd083b5 100644 --- a/telegram_bot/news/news_fetcher.py +++ b/telegram_bot/news/news_fetcher.py @@ -2,15 +2,13 @@ script for news fetching (by keywords) """ __author__ = "Florian Kellermann, Linus Eickhoff" -__date__ = "15.03.2022" -__version__ = "0.0.1" +__date__ = "26.04.2022" +__version__ = "1.0.0" __license__ = "None" import sys import os -import json import requests -import datetime as dt from newsapi import NewsApiClient from dotenv import load_dotenv diff --git a/telegram_bot/shares/share_fetcher.py b/telegram_bot/shares/share_fetcher.py index 1aa3376..c7ec63f 100644 --- a/telegram_bot/shares/share_fetcher.py +++ b/telegram_bot/shares/share_fetcher.py @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ __version__ = "0.0.2" __license__ = "None" import yfinance -import json def get_share_price(str_symbol):