__author__ = "Florian Kaiser"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2022, Project Aktienbot"
__credits__ = ["Florian Kaiser", "Florian Kellermann", "Linus Eickhof", "Kevin Pauer"]
__license__ = "GPL 3.0"
__version__ = "1.0.0"

import os

from apiflask import APIBlueprint, abort

from app.db import database as db
from app.helper_functions import make_response, get_email_or_abort_401
from app.auth import auth
from app.schema import KeywordResponseSchema, KeywordSchema, DeleteSuccessfulSchema
from app.models import Keyword

keyword_blueprint = APIBlueprint('keyword', __name__, url_prefix='/api')
__location__ = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)))

@keyword_blueprint.route('/keyword', methods=['POST'])
@keyword_blueprint.output(KeywordResponseSchema(many=True), 200)
@keyword_blueprint.doc(summary="Add new keyword", description="Adds new keyword for current user")
def add_keyword(data):
    email = get_email_or_abort_401()

    if not check_if_keyword_data_exists(data):
        abort(400, message="Keyword missing")

    key = data['keyword']

    # Check if keyword already exists
    check_keyword = db.session.query(Keyword).filter_by(keyword=key, email=email).first()
    if check_keyword is None:
        # Keyword doesn't exist yet for this user -> add it
        new_keyword = Keyword(

        return make_response(new_keyword.as_dict(), 200, "Successfully added keyword")
        abort(500, message="Keyword already exist for this user")

@keyword_blueprint.route('/keyword', methods=['DELETE'])
@keyword_blueprint.output(DeleteSuccessfulSchema, 200)
@keyword_blueprint.doc(summary="Removes existing keyword", description="Removes existing keyword for current user")
def remove_keyword(data):
    email = get_email_or_abort_401()

    # Check if request data is valid
    if not check_if_keyword_data_exists(data):
        abort(400, message="Keyword missing")

    # Check if keyword exists
    check_keyword = db.session.query(Keyword).filter_by(keyword=data['keyword'], email=email).first()
    if check_keyword is None:
        return abort(500, "Keyword doesn't exist for this user")
        # Keyword exists -> delete it
        db.session.query(Keyword).filter_by(keyword=data['keyword'], email=email).delete()

        return make_response({}, 200, "Successfully removed keyword")

@keyword_blueprint.route('/keywords', methods=['GET'])
@keyword_blueprint.output(KeywordResponseSchema(many=True), 200)
@keyword_blueprint.doc(summary="Returns all keywords", description="Returns all keywords for current user")
def get_keywords():
    email = get_email_or_abort_401()

    return_keywords = []
    keywords = db.session.query(Keyword).filter_by(email=email).all()

    # If no keywords exist for this user -> return empty list
    # Otherwise iterate over all keywords, convert them to json and add them to the return list
    if keywords is not None:
        for row in keywords:

    return make_response(return_keywords, 200, "Successfully loaded keywords")

def check_if_keyword_data_exists(data):
    if "keyword" not in data:
        return False

    if data['keyword'] == "" or data['keyword'] is None:
        return False

    return True