""" script for helper functions for bot related stuff """ __author__ = "Florian Kellermann, Linus Eickhoff" __date__ = "10.05.2022" __version__ = "1.0.0" __license__ = "None" def contains_markdownv1_symbols(text): """ checks if text contains markdown symbols :type text: string :param text: text to check :return: true if text contains markdown symbols :rtype: bool """ if text.find("_") != -1 or text.find("*") != -1 or text.find("`") != -1: # check if text contains relevant markdown symbols return True return False def make_markdown_proof(text): # used to avoid errors related to markdown parsemode for telegram messaging """ makes text markdown proof :type text: string :param text: text to make markdown proof :return: markdown proof text :rtype: string """ text = str(text) text = text.replace("_", "\\_") text = text.replace("*", "\\*") text = text.replace("`", "\\`") text = text.replace("[", "\\[") text = text.replace("]", "\\]") text = text.replace("(", "\\(") text = text.replace(")", "\\)") text = text.replace("#", "\\#") text = text.replace("+", "\\+") text = text.replace("-", "\\-") text = text.replace("!", "\\!") text = text.replace(".", "\\.") text = text.replace("?", "\\?") text = text.replace("/", "\\/") text = text.replace("~", "\\~") text = text.replace("|", "\\|") text = text.replace("<", "\\<") text = text.replace(">", "\\>") text = text.replace("&", "\\&") text = text.replace("^", "\\^") text = text.replace("$", "\\$") text = text.replace("%", "\\%") return text if __name__ == '__main__': print("this is a module for helper functions for the bot and should not be run directly") print(make_markdown_proof("_test_")) text = make_markdown_proof("_test_") print(f"{text}")