script for telegram bot and its functions
__author__ = "Florian Kellermann, Linus Eickhoff"
__date__ = "10.05.2022"
__version__ = "1.2.3"
__license__ = "None"

# side-dependencies: none
# Work in Progress
# text bot at t.me/projektaktienbot
# API Documentation https://core.telegram.org/bots/api
# Code examples https://github.com/eternnoir/pyTelegramBotAPI#getting-started

import datetime as dt
import logging
import os
import re
import sys

import telebot
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from telebot import types

import helper_functions as hf
import news.news_fetcher as news
import shares.share_fetcher as share_fetcher
from api_handling.api_handler import API_Handler

load_dotenv(dotenv_path='.env')  # load environment variables

bot_version = "3.0.1"  # version of bot

# create api handler
api_handler = API_Handler(str(os.getenv("API_URL")), str(os.getenv("BOT_EMAIL")), str(os.getenv("BOT_PASSWORD")))  # get creds from env vars.
print("Webserver Token: " + str(api_handler.token))

bot = telebot.TeleBot(os.getenv('BOT_API_KEY'))

@bot.message_handler(commands=['start', 'Start'])
def send_start(message):
    """ Sending welcome message to new user
    :type message: message object bot
    :param message: message that was reacted to, in this case always containing '/start'

    :raises: none

    :rtype: none
    bot.reply_to(message, "Welcome to this share bot project. \
                 \nType /help to get information on what this bot can do. \
                 \nAlso see " + os.getenv("APP_URL") + " \
                 to start configuring your bot")

@bot.message_handler(commands=['version', 'Version'])
def send_version(message):
    """ Sending programm version
    :type message: message object bot
    :param message: message that was reacted to, in this case always containing '/version'

    :raises: none

    bot.reply_to(message, "the current bot version is " + bot_version)

@bot.message_handler(commands=['help', 'Help'])  # /help -> sending all functions
def send_help(message):
    """ Send all functions
    :type message: message object bot
    :param message: message that was reacted to, in this case always containing '/help'

    :raises: none

    :rtype: none
                 "/id or /auth get your user id\n/shares get update on interesting shares\n/setAdmin set admin rights of user (ADMIN)\n/users see all users. (ADMIN)\n/me get my user info\n/news get top article for each keyword.\n/allnews get all news (last 7 days)\n/keywords get all your keywords\n/addkeyword add a keyword\n/removekeyword remove a keyword\n/transactions get all transactions\n/newtransaction create new transaction\n/share get price of specific share\n/portfolio see own stock portfolio\n/removeshare removes share from portfolio\n/interval get update interval\n/setinterval set update interval\n For further details see " + os.getenv("APP_URL"))

@bot.message_handler(commands=['users', 'Users'])  # /users -> sending all users
def send_all_users(message):
    """ Send all users, only possible for admins
    :type message: message object bot
    :param message: message that was reacted to, in this case always containing '/users'

    :raises: none

    :rtype: none

    user_id = int(message.from_user.id)
    user_data = api_handler.get_user(user_id)
    if (user_data["admin"] == False):  # check if user has admin rights
        bot.reply_to(message, "You have to be an admin to use this command")

    user_list = api_handler.get_all_users()
    user_count = len(user_list)
    bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text="There are " + str(user_count) + " users in the database:")

    for user in user_list:
        username = user['username']
        email = user['email']
        id = user['telegram_user_id']
        cron = user['cron']
        admin = user['admin']

        bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text=f'Username: {username}\nEmail: {email}\nID: {id}\nCron: {cron}\nAdmin: {admin}')  # format user data into readable message text

@bot.message_handler(commands=['setAdmin', 'SetAdmin', 'setadmin', 'Setadmin'])  # set admin rights to user TBD: not working!!
def set_admin(message):
    """ Set admin rights to user
    :type message: message object bot
    :param message: message that was reacted to, in this case always containing '/setAdmin'

    :raises: none

    :rtype: none
    user_id = int(message.from_user.id)
    user_data = api_handler.get_user(user_id)

    if (user_data["admin"] == False):  # check if user has admin rights
        bot.reply_to(message, "You have to be an admin to use this command")

    bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text='send email and true if this account should have admin rights, else false\n in format: <email>,<is_admin>')  # request email and admin rights to change to
    bot.register_next_step_handler(message, set_admin_step)

def set_admin_step(message):
    str_message = str(message.text)
    args_message = str_message.split(',')  # split message into email and admin rights

    if len(args_message) != 2:  # make sure 2 args (email,is_admin) are given

        bot.reply_to(message, "exactly 2 arguments (<email>,<is_admin>) required, try again")

    email = args_message[0]
    is_admin = False  # default: False

    if args_message[1].lower() == "true":  # if user types true, set is_admin to true
        is_admin = True

    status = api_handler.set_admin(email, is_admin)  # set admin in db

    if (status == 200):
        bot.reply_to(message, "Admin rights set")

        bot.reply_to(message, f"Admin rights could not be set ({status})")

@bot.message_handler(commands=['me', 'Me'])  # /me -> sending user info
def send_user(message):
    """ Send user data
    :type message: message object bot
    :param message: message that was reacted to, in this case always containing '/me'

    :raises: none

    :rtype: none
    user_id = int(message.from_user.id)
    user_data = api_handler.get_user(user_id)
    if not user_data or user_data == None:  # true if user is not registered
        bot.reply_to(message, "This didn\'t work. Make sure to connect your telegram id (/id) on " + os.getenv("APP_URL"))
    username = user_data['username']
    email = user_data['email']
    user_id = user_data['telegram_user_id']
    cron = user_data['cron']
    admin = user_data['admin']
    bot.reply_to(message, f'Username: {username}\nEmail: {email}\nID: {user_id}\nCron: {cron}\nAdmin: {admin}')  # format user data into readable message text

@bot.message_handler(commands=['id', 'auth', 'Id', 'Auth'])  # /auth or /id -> Authentication with user_id over web tool
def send_id(message):
    """ Send user id for authentication with browser
    :type message: message object bot
    :param message: message that was reacted to, in this case always containing '/id' or '/auth'

    :raises: none

    :rtype: none
    answer = 'Your ID/Authentication Code is: [' + str(message.from_user.id) + ']. Enter this code in the settings on ' + os.getenv("APP_URL") + ' to get updates on your shares.'
    bot.reply_to(message, answer)

# function that can be used to ensure that the bot is online and running
@bot.message_handler(commands=['status', 'Status'])
def send_status(message):
    """ Sends status to user
    :type message: message object bot
    :param message: message that was reacted to, if no other command handler gets called

    :raises: none

    :rtype: none
    bot.reply_to(message, "bot is running")

@bot.message_handler(commands=['portfolio', 'Portfolio'])  # /portfolio -> print all owned shares
def update_for_user(message):
    p_user_id = int(message.from_user.id)
    p_my_handler = api_handler

    share_symbols = []
    share_amounts = []

    my_portfolio = p_my_handler.get_user_portfolio(p_user_id)

    if my_portfolio == None:  # true if user is not registered
        bot.send_message(chat_id=p_user_id, text='This didn\'t work. Make sure to connect your telegram id (/id) on ' + os.getenv("APP_URL"))
    my_user = p_my_handler.get_user(p_user_id)
    send_to_user("Hello %s this is your share update:" % str(my_user["username"]), pUser_id=p_user_id)
    for element in my_portfolio:
        if element["count"] != '' and element["isin"] != '':
            print(element["count"], element["isin"])


    if len(share_symbols) != 0:
        for i in range(len(share_symbols)):
            my_price = share_fetcher.get_share_price_no_currency(share_symbols[i])
            amounts = hf.make_markdown_proof(share_amounts[i])
            my_update_message = f'{share_fetcher.get_share_information_markdown(share_symbols[i])}\ncount: {amounts}\nTotal: {hf.make_markdown_proof(round(float(my_price) * float(share_amounts[i]), 2))} EUR'
            bot.send_message(chat_id=p_user_id, text=my_update_message, parse_mode="MARKDOWNV2")
        send_to_user("No shares found for your account. Check " + os.getenv("APP_URL") + " to change your settings and add shares.", pUser_id=p_user_id)

def send_to_user(pText, pUser_id):
    """ Send message to user
    :type pText: string
    :param pText: Text to send to user

    :type pUser_id: int
    :param pUser_id: user to send to. per default me (Florian Kellermann)

    :raises: none

    :rtype: none
    bot.send_message(chat_id=pUser_id, text=pText)

@bot.message_handler(commands=['share', 'Share'])  # /share -> get share price
def send_share_update(message):
    """ Send price of a specific share
    :type message: message object bot
    :param message: message that was reacted to, in this case always containing '/share'

    :raises: none

    :rtype: none
    user_id = int(message.from_user.id)

    bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text='Send Symbol/ISIN of share or name of company:')
    bot.register_next_step_handler(message, send_share_price)

def send_share_price(message):
    str_share_price = share_fetcher.get_share_information_markdown(str(message.text))
    bot.reply_to(message, str_share_price, parse_mode="MARKDOWNV2")

@bot.message_handler(commands=['allnews', 'Allnews'])  # /allnews -> get all news
def send_all_news(message):
    """ Get news for keywords of user
    :type message: message object bot
    :param message: message that was reacted to, in this case always containing '/allnews'

    :raises: none

    :rtype: none

    user_id = int(message.from_user.id)
    keywords = api_handler.get_user_keywords(user_id)  # get keywords of user

    if keywords == None:  # true if user is not registered
        bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text='This didn\'t work. Make sure to connect your telegram id (/id) on ' + os.getenv("APP_URL"))

    if not keywords:  # true if user is registered but does not have any keywords
        bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text='You have no keywords. Please add some keywords with /addkeyword')

    keywords_search = ' OR '.join(keywords)  # concat all keywords with OR -> NewsAPI can understand OR, AND, NOT etc.
    now = dt.datetime.now().date()  # get current date
    from_date = now - dt.timedelta(days=7)  # get date 7 days ago -> limit age of news to 7 days old max
    from_date_formatted = dt.datetime.strftime(from_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
    news_list = news.get_all_news_by_keyword(keywords_search, from_date_formatted)["articles"]  # array of JSON article objects

    if news_list:  # true if news_list is not empty
        for article in news_list:
            formatted_article = news.format_article(article)
            bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text=formatted_article, parse_mode="MARKDOWNV2")  # Markdown allows to write bold text with * etc.
        bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text='No news found for your keywords.')

@bot.message_handler(commands=['news', 'News'])  # /news -> get news for specific keyword
def send_news(message):
    """ Get news for keywords of user

    :type message: message object bot
    :param message: message that was reacted to, in this case always containing '/news'

    :raises: none

    :rtype: none
    user_id = int(message.from_user.id)
    keywords = api_handler.get_user_keywords(user_id)  # get keywords of user

    if keywords == None:  # true if user is not registered
        bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text='This didn\'t work. Make sure to connect your telegram id (/id) on ' + os.getenv("APP_URL"))

    if not keywords:  # true if user is registered but does not have any keywords
        bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text='You have no keywords. Please add some keywords with /addkeyword')

    if keywords:
        for keyword in keywords:
            top_news = news.get_top_news_by_keyword(keyword)["articles"]
            if top_news == None:  # true if request to NewsAPI failed
                bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text='News Server did not respond correctly. Try again later.')

            if not top_news:  # true if no news found for keyword (empty list)
                keyword = hf.make_markdown_proof(keyword)
                bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text=f'No news found for keyword: *{keyword}*', parse_mode="MARKDOWNV2")

                keyword = hf.make_markdown_proof(keyword)
                formatted_article = news.format_article(top_news[0])  # only format and send most popular news
                bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text=f"_keyword: {keyword}_\n\n" + formatted_article, parse_mode="MARKDOWNV2")  # do not use v2 because of bugs related t "." in links

@bot.message_handler(commands=['addkeyword', 'Addkeyword'])  # /addkeyword -> add keyword to user
def add_keyword(message):
    """ Add keyword to user
    :type message: message object bot
    :param message: message that was reacted to, in this case always '/addkeyword'

    :raises: none

    :rtype: none
    user_id = int(message.from_user.id)
    bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text='Type keyword to add:')
    bot.register_next_step_handler(message, store_keyword)  # wait for user to send keyword, then call store_keyword function

def store_keyword(message):
    user_id = int(message.from_user.id)
    keyword = str(message.text).lower()  # lower to ensure Bitcoin and bitcoin is not stored as individual keywords
    status = api_handler.set_keyword(user_id, keyword)  # set keyword in database
    if status == 200:  # statuscode 200 means keyword was added successfully without errors
        bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text=f'Keyword "{keyword}" added.')  # duplicate keywords are denied by Database, so no need to check for that here
        bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text=f'Keyword "{keyword}" could not be stored. Make sure to connect your telegram id (/id) on {os.getenv("APP_URL")} (statuscode {status})')

@bot.message_handler(commands=['removekeyword', 'Removekeyword'])  # /removekeyword -> remove keyword from user
def remove_keyword(message):
    """ Remove keyword from user
    :type message: message object bot
    :param message: message that was reacted to, in this case always '/removekeyword'

    :raises: none

    :rtype: none
    user_id = int(message.from_user.id)
    bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text='Type keyword to remove:')
    bot.register_next_step_handler(message, remove_keyword_step)  # wait for user to send keyword to remove, then call remove_keyword_step function

def remove_keyword_step(message):
    user_id = int(message.from_user.id)
    keyword = str(message.text).lower()
    status = api_handler.delete_keyword(user_id, keyword)
    if status == 200:  # statuscode 200 means keyword was removed successfully without errors
        bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text=f'Keyword "{keyword}" removed.')  # checking if keyword to remove is in database are handled in database, not here
        bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text=f'Failed deleting keyword "{keyword}". (statuscode {status})')

@bot.message_handler(commands=['keywords', 'Keywords'])  # /keywords -> get keywords of user
def send_keywords(message):
    """ Send keywords of user
    :type message: message object bot
    :param message: message that was reacted to, in this case always '/keywords'

    :raises: none

    :rtype: none
    user_id = int(message.from_user.id)
    keywords = api_handler.get_user_keywords(user_id)  # get keywords of user

    if keywords == None:  # true if user is not registered
        bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text='This didn\'t work. Make sure to connect your telegram id (/id) on ' + os.getenv("APP_URL"))

    if not keywords:  # true if user is registered but does not have any keywords
        bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text='No keywords set for this account. Add keywords by using /addkeyword')

    else:  # send keyword list
        keywords_str = ', '.join(keywords)
        keywords_str = hf.make_markdown_proof(keywords_str)

        text = f'Your keywords are: _{keywords_str}_'
        bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text=text, parse_mode="MARKDOWNV2")

@bot.message_handler(commands=['removeshare', 'Removeshare'])
def remove_share(message):
    """ Remove share from portfolio
    :type message: message object bot
    :param message: message that was reacted to, in this case always '/removeshare'
    :raises: none

    :rtype: none
    user_id = int(message.from_user.id)

    bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text='Type ISIN/Symbol/CompanyName of share to remove (if you are unsure do /shares, find your share and insert the value above amount):')
    bot.register_next_step_handler(message, remove_share_step)  # wait for user to send ISIN, then call remove_share_step function

def remove_share_step(message):
    user_id = int(message.from_user.id)
    isin = str(message.text)

    status = api_handler.delete_share(int(user_id), str(isin))  # remove share from portfolio

    if status == 200:  # statuscode 200 means share was removed successfully without errors
        bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text=f'Share "{isin}" removed.')  # checking if share to remove is in database are handled in database, not here

        bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text=f'Failed deleting share "{isin}". (statuscode {status})\nMake sure that the share is in your portfolio and written exactly like there.')

@bot.message_handler(commands=['newtransaction', 'Newtransaction'])  # tbd not working rn may be deleted in future
def set_new_transaction(message):
    """ Set new transaction for user
    :type message: message object bot
    :param message: message that was reacted to, in this case always '/newtransaction'

    :raises: none

    :rtype: none
    user_id = int(message.from_user.id)
                     text='Type "<name of stock>,<isin/name/symbol>,<amount>,<price_per_stock_usd>" (time of transaction will be set to now, negative amount is selling, positive is buying):')
    bot.register_next_step_handler(message, set_new_transaction_step)

def set_new_transaction_step(message):
    user_id = int(message.from_user.id)

    if not re.match(r"[A-Za-z0-9 ]+,[A-Za-z0-9]+,(-)?[0-9]+(.[0-9]+)?,[0-9]+(.[0-9]+)?", message.text):
        bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text='Invalid format \n(e.g. Apple,US0378331005,53.2,120.4).\n Try again with /newtransaction.')

    transaction_data = str(message.text).split(',')
    desc = str(transaction_data[0])
    isin = str(transaction_data[1])
    amount = float(transaction_data[2])
    price = float(transaction_data[3])
    time = dt.datetime.now().isoformat()
    status = api_handler.set_transaction(user_id, desc, isin, amount, price, time)

    if status == 200:
        bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text='Transaction succesfully added.')
        bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text=f'Failed adding transaction. (statuscode {status})')

@bot.message_handler(commands=['interval', 'Interval'])
def send_interval(message):
    """ send interval for user
    :type message: message object bot
    :param message: message that was reacted to, in this case always '/interval'

    :raises: none

    :rtype: none
    user_id = int(message.from_user.id)
    user_data = api_handler.get_user(user_id)  # get cron interval of user (stored in user data)
    if user_data == None:  # true if user is not registered in DB
        bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text='This didn\'t work. Make sure to connect your telegram id (/id) on ' + os.getenv("APP_URL") + ' and set an interval with /setinterval')
    else:  # send interval
        interval = str(user_data['cron'])  # get cron from user data
        if interval == 'None':  # true if user has no cron set
            bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text='You do not have an interval set. Set one with /setinterval')
        formatted_interval = str(interval).replace(' ', '_')  # replace spaces with underscores to add to url of crontab.guru
        bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text=f'Your update interval: {interval} (https://crontab.guru/#{formatted_interval})')

@bot.message_handler(commands=['transactions', 'Transactions'])
def send_transactions(message):
    """ send transactions for user
    :type message: message object bot
    :param message: message that was reacted to, in this case always '/transactions'

    :raises: none

    :rtype: none
    user_id = int(message.from_user.id)
    transactions = api_handler.get_user_transactions(user_id)  # get transactions of user

    if transactions == None:  # true if user does not exist
        bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text='This didn\'t work. Make sure to connect your telegram id (/id) on ' + os.getenv("APP_URL"))

    if not transactions:  # true if user has no transactions
        bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text='You do not have any transactions.')


        for transaction in transactions:
            comment = hf.make_markdown_proof(transaction['comment']) or "\(no desc\)"  # if comment is empty, make it "no desc"
            isin = hf.make_markdown_proof(transaction['isin'])
            amount = hf.make_markdown_proof(transaction['count'])
            price = hf.make_markdown_proof(transaction['price'])
            time = hf.make_markdown_proof(transaction['time'])

            bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text=f'_{comment}_\n{isin}\namount: {amount}\nprice: {price}\ntime: {time}', parse_mode="MARKDOWNV2")

@bot.message_handler(commands=['shares', 'Shares'])
def send_shares(message):
    """ send shares for user
    :type message: message object bot
    :param message: message that was reacted to, in this case always '/shares'

    :raises: none

    :rtype: none
    user_id = int(message.from_user.id)
    shares = api_handler.get_user_shares(user_id)  # get shares of user

    if shares == None:  # true if user does not exist
        bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text='This didn\'t work. Make sure to connect your telegram id (/id) on ' + os.getenv("APP_URL"))
    elif not shares:  # true if user has no shares
        bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text='You do not have any shares. Add shares on ' + os.getenv("APP_URL"))
        for element in shares:
            bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text=share_fetcher.get_share_information_markdown(element), parse_mode="MARKDOWNV2")

@bot.message_handler(commands=['setinterval', 'Setinterval'])
def set_new_interval(message):
    """ Set new interval for user
    :type message: message object bot
    :param message: message that was reacted to, in this case always '/setinterval'

    :raises: none

    :rtype: none
    user_id = int(message.from_user.id)
    bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text='Type interval in cron format:\n(https://crontab.guru/)')
    bot.register_next_step_handler(message, set_new_interval_step)  # executes function when user sends message

def set_new_interval_step(message):
    user_id = int(message.from_user.id)
    interval = str(message.text)
    status = api_handler.set_cron_interval(user_id, interval)  # send cron to db

    if status == 200:
        bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text='Interval succesfully set.')

    if status == -1:  # only -1 when interval is invalid, not a real statuscode, but used from api_handler.set_cron_interval to tell the crontab has the wrong format
        bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text='Invalid interval format. Try again with\n /setinterval.')
        bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text=f'Failed setting interval. (statuscode {status})')

@bot.message_handler(func=lambda message: True)  # Returning that command is unknown for any other statement
def echo_all(message):
    """ Tell that command is not known if it is no known command
    :type message: message object bot
    :param message: message that was reacted to, if no other command handler gets called

    :raises: none

    :rtype: none
    answer = 'Do not know this command or text: ' + message.text
    bot.reply_to(message, answer)


@bot.inline_handler(lambda query: query.query == 'text')  # inline prints for debugging
def query_text(inline_query):
    """ Output in the console about current user actions and status of bot
    :type inline_query: 
    :param inline_query:

    :raises: none

    :rtype: none
        r = types.InlineQueryResultArticle('1', 'Result1', types.InputTextMessageContent('hi'))
        r2 = types.InlineQueryResultArticle('2', 'Result2', types.InputTextMessageContent('hi'))
        bot.answer_inline_query(inline_query.id, [r, r2])
    except Exception as e:

def main_loop():
    """ Start bot
    :raises: none

    :rtype: none

if __name__ == '__main__':
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print('\nExiting by user request.\n')