""" script for regularly sending updates on shares and news based on user interval """ __author__ = "Florian Kellermann, Linus Eickhoff" __date__ = "10.05.2022" __version__ = "1.0.2" __license__ = "None" from dotenv import load_dotenv import news.news_fetcher as news_fetcher import time import os from bot import bot import sys from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler from api_handling.api_handler import API_Handler import shares.share_fetcher as share_fetcher import helper_functions as hf ''' * * * * * code ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └──── weekday (0->Monday, 7->Sunday) │ │ │ └────── Month (1-12) │ │ └──────── Day (1-31) │ └────────── Hour (0-23) └──────────── Minute (0-59) example 0 8 * * * -> daily update at 8am ''' user_ids = [] user_crontab = [] load_dotenv(dotenv_path='.env') def start_updater(): """ starting function for regularly sending updates :raises: none :rtype: none """ print("Bot updates started") my_handler = API_Handler("https://gruppe1.testsites.info/api", str(os.getenv("BOT_EMAIL")), str(os.getenv("BOT_PASSWORD"))) update_crontab(my_handler) def update_crontab(p_my_handler): """ Updating crontab lists every hour :type pCurrent_Time: time when starting crontab update :param pCurrent_Time: datetime :raises: none :rtype: none """ global user_crontab global user_ids all_users = p_my_handler.get_all_users() # get all users so crontabs can update for everybody user_ids = [] user_crontab = [] for element in all_users: if element["cron"] != '' and element["telegram_user_id"] != '': # check if both values are existing so I have consistent data try: user_ids.append(int(element["telegram_user_id"])) try: user_crontab.append(str(element["cron"])) except: user_ids.pop() # if something goes wrong with cron I have to delete matching user id except: continue print(user_ids) update_based_on_crontab(user_ids, user_crontab, p_my_handler) update_crontab(p_my_handler) # restart the update after time sleep def update_based_on_crontab(p_user_ids, p_user_crontab, p_my_handler): """ Check all the crontab codes and add jobs to start in time :type p_user_ids: array :param p_user_ids: user id array of all users :type p_user_crontab: array :param p_user_crontab: crontabs for all users equivalent to the user array :type p_my_handler: Api_Handler :param p_my_handler: get database stuff :raises: none :rtype: none """ my_scheduler = BackgroundScheduler() # schedule sends based on cron for i in range(len(p_user_ids)): cron_split = p_user_crontab[i].split(" ") # split it up to use in scheduler print(cron_split[4], cron_split[1], cron_split[0], cron_split[3], cron_split[2]) my_scheduler.add_job(update_for_user, 'cron', day_of_week = cron_split[4] , hour= cron_split[1] , minute = cron_split[0], month= cron_split[3] , day=cron_split[2], args=(p_user_ids[i], p_my_handler )) my_scheduler.start() time.sleep( 600 ) # scheduler runs in background and I wait 10mins my_scheduler.shutdown() # after this the new crontabs will be loaded def update_for_user(p_user_id, p_my_handler): """ Pull shares and send updates for specific user id :type p_user_id: integer :param p_user_id: user id of user that shall receive update :type p_my_handler: Api_Handler :param p_my_handler: handle the api and pull from database :raises: none :rtype: none """ share_symbols = [] share_amounts = [] my_portfolio = p_my_handler.get_user_portfolio(p_user_id) # get all existing shares for user for element in my_portfolio: if element["count"] != '' and element["isin"]!= '': print(element["count"], element["isin"]) share_symbols.append(element["isin"]) share_amounts.append(element["count"]) my_user = p_my_handler.get_user(p_user_id) send_to_user("Hello %s this is your share update for today:"%str(my_user["username"]), pUser_id=p_user_id) shares = p_my_handler.get_user_shares(p_user_id) # all interest shares if len(share_symbols) != 0: # iterate through all shares for i in range(len(share_symbols)): my_price = share_fetcher.get_share_price_no_currency(share_symbols[i]) my_update_message = f'{share_fetcher.get_share_information_markdown(share_symbols[i])}\ncount: {hf.make_markdown_proof(share_amounts[i])}\nTotal: {hf.make_markdown_proof(round(float(my_price) * float(share_amounts[i]), 2))} EUR' bot.send_message(chat_id=p_user_id, text=my_update_message, parse_mode="MARKDOWNV2") else: send_to_user("No shares found for your account. Check https://gruppe1.testsites.info to change your settings and add shares.", pUser_id=p_user_id) if len(shares)!=0: # Send updates on watchlist shares if existing send_to_user("Your watchlist shares:", pUser_id=p_user_id) for element in shares: send_to_user(share_fetcher.get_share_information_markdown(element), pUser_id=p_user_id, md_mode=True) keywords = p_my_handler.get_user_keywords(p_user_id) # get keywords as array if(keywords): # if keywords exist and array is not empty send_to_user("If you haven't read yet: \nHere are some interesting news according to your keywords:", pUser_id=p_user_id) for keyword in keywords: news = news_fetcher.get_top_news_by_keyword(keyword)["articles"] keyword = hf.make_markdown_proof(keyword) if not news: # if empty news array send_to_user(f"No news found for keyword _{keyword}_\.", pUser_id=p_user_id, md_mode=True) elif news == None: # if news is none send_to_user(f"Server error for keyword _{keyword}_\.", pUser_id=p_user_id, md_mode=True) else: news_formatted = news_fetcher.format_article(news[0]) # format for message, only use the most popular article send_to_user(f"_keyword: {keyword}_\n\n{news_formatted}", pUser_id=p_user_id, md_mode=True) # send news with related keyword in Markdown def send_to_user(pText, pUser_id , md_mode = False): """ Send message to user :type pText: string :param pText: Text to send to user :type pUser_id: int :param pUser_id: user to send to. per default me (Florian Kellermann) :type md_mode: boolean :param md_mode: if true, parse_mode is markdown :raises: none :rtype: none """ if md_mode: bot.send_message(chat_id=pUser_id, text=pText, parse_mode="MARKDOWNV2") else: bot.send_message(chat_id=pUser_id, text=pText) if __name__ == "__main__": try: start_updater() sys.exit(-1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Ending") sys.exit(-1)