337 lines
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337 lines
9.2 KiB
from abc import ABC
from typing import Optional, Union
from telebot.handler_backends import State
from telebot import types
class SimpleCustomFilter(ABC):
Simple Custom Filter base class.
Create child class with check() method.
Accepts only message, returns bool value, that is compared with given in handler.
def check(self, message):
Perform a check.
class AdvancedCustomFilter(ABC):
Simple Custom Filter base class.
Create child class with check() method.
Accepts two parameters, returns bool: True - filter passed, False - filter failed.
message: Message class
text: Filter value given in handler
def check(self, message, text):
Perform a check.
class TextFilter:
Advanced text filter to check (types.Message, types.CallbackQuery, types.InlineQuery, types.Poll)
example of usage is in examples/custom_filters/advanced_text_filter.py
def __init__(self,
equals: Optional[str] = None,
contains: Optional[Union[list, tuple]] = None,
starts_with: Optional[Union[str, list, tuple]] = None,
ends_with: Optional[Union[str, list, tuple]] = None,
ignore_case: bool = False):
:param equals: string, True if object's text is equal to passed string
:param contains: list[str] or tuple[str], True if any string element of iterable is in text
:param starts_with: string, True if object's text starts with passed string
:param ends_with: string, True if object's text starts with passed string
:param ignore_case: bool (default False), case insensitive
to_check = sum((pattern is not None for pattern in (equals, contains, starts_with, ends_with)))
if to_check == 0:
raise ValueError('None of the check modes was specified')
self.equals = equals
self.contains = self._check_iterable(contains, filter_name='contains')
self.starts_with = self._check_iterable(starts_with, filter_name='starts_with')
self.ends_with = self._check_iterable(ends_with, filter_name='ends_with')
self.ignore_case = ignore_case
def _check_iterable(self, iterable, filter_name: str):
if not iterable:
elif not isinstance(iterable, str) and not isinstance(iterable, list) and not isinstance(iterable, tuple):
raise ValueError(f"Incorrect value of {filter_name!r}")
elif isinstance(iterable, str):
iterable = [iterable]
elif isinstance(iterable, list) or isinstance(iterable, tuple):
iterable = [i for i in iterable if isinstance(i, str)]
return iterable
def check(self, obj: Union[types.Message, types.CallbackQuery, types.InlineQuery, types.Poll]):
if isinstance(obj, types.Poll):
text = obj.question
elif isinstance(obj, types.Message):
text = obj.text or obj.caption
elif isinstance(obj, types.CallbackQuery):
text = obj.data
elif isinstance(obj, types.InlineQuery):
text = obj.query
return False
if self.ignore_case:
text = text.lower()
if self.equals:
self.equals = self.equals.lower()
elif self.contains:
self.contains = tuple(map(str.lower, self.contains))
elif self.starts_with:
self.starts_with = tuple(map(str.lower, self.starts_with))
elif self.ends_with:
self.ends_with = tuple(map(str.lower, self.ends_with))
if self.equals:
result = self.equals == text
if result:
return True
elif not result and not any((self.contains, self.starts_with, self.ends_with)):
return False
if self.contains:
result = any([i in text for i in self.contains])
if result:
return True
elif not result and not any((self.starts_with, self.ends_with)):
return False
if self.starts_with:
result = any([text.startswith(i) for i in self.starts_with])
if result:
return True
elif not result and not self.ends_with:
return False
if self.ends_with:
return any([text.endswith(i) for i in self.ends_with])
return False
class TextMatchFilter(AdvancedCustomFilter):
Filter to check Text message.
key: text
key = 'text'
def check(self, message, text):
if isinstance(text, TextFilter):
return text.check(message)
elif type(text) is list:
return message.text in text
return text == message.text
class TextContainsFilter(AdvancedCustomFilter):
Filter to check Text message.
key: text
# Will respond if any message.text contains word 'account'
key = 'text_contains'
def check(self, message, text):
if not isinstance(text, str) and not isinstance(text, list) and not isinstance(text, tuple):
raise ValueError("Incorrect text_contains value")
elif isinstance(text, str):
text = [text]
elif isinstance(text, list) or isinstance(text, tuple):
text = [i for i in text if isinstance(i, str)]
return any([i in message.text for i in text])
class TextStartsFilter(AdvancedCustomFilter):
Filter to check whether message starts with some text.
# Will work if message.text starts with 'Sir'.
key = 'text_startswith'
def check(self, message, text):
return message.text.startswith(text)
class ChatFilter(AdvancedCustomFilter):
Check whether chat_id corresponds to given chat_id.
key = 'chat_id'
def check(self, message, text):
return message.chat.id in text
class ForwardFilter(SimpleCustomFilter):
Check whether message was forwarded from channel or group.
key = 'is_forwarded'
def check(self, message):
return message.forward_from_chat is not None
class IsReplyFilter(SimpleCustomFilter):
Check whether message is a reply.
key = 'is_reply'
def check(self, message):
return message.reply_to_message is not None
class LanguageFilter(AdvancedCustomFilter):
Check users language_code.
key = 'language_code'
def check(self, message, text):
if type(text) is list:
return message.from_user.language_code in text
return message.from_user.language_code == text
class IsAdminFilter(SimpleCustomFilter):
Check whether the user is administrator / owner of the chat.
@bot.message_handler(chat_types=['supergroup'], is_chat_admin=True)
key = 'is_chat_admin'
def __init__(self, bot):
self._bot = bot
def check(self, message):
return self._bot.get_chat_member(message.chat.id, message.from_user.id).status in ['creator', 'administrator']
class StateFilter(AdvancedCustomFilter):
Filter to check state.
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
key = 'state'
def check(self, message, text):
if text == '*': return True
# needs to work with callbackquery
if isinstance(message, types.Message):
chat_id = message.chat.id
user_id = message.from_user.id
if isinstance(message, types.CallbackQuery):
chat_id = message.message.chat.id
user_id = message.from_user.id
message = message.message
if isinstance(text, list):
new_text = []
for i in text:
if isinstance(i, State): i = i.name
text = new_text
elif isinstance(text, State):
text = text.name
if message.chat.type == 'group':
group_state = self.bot.current_states.get_state(user_id, chat_id)
if group_state == text:
return True
elif group_state in text and type(text) is list:
return True
user_state = self.bot.current_states.get_state(user_id, chat_id)
if user_state == text:
return True
elif type(text) is list and user_state in text:
return True
class IsDigitFilter(SimpleCustomFilter):
Filter to check whether the string is made up of only digits.
key = 'is_digit'
def check(self, message):
return message.text.isdigit()